- Jonathan Jenkins (advisor Mike Burmester), Summer 2015, Building Trusted Computer Systems via Unified Software Integrity Protection
- Shiva Yazdi (advisor Sudhir Aggarwal), Summer 2015, Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar Based Password Cracking: Attack, Defense and Applications
- Umit Karabiyik (advisor Sudhir Aggarwal), Summer 2015, Building an Intelligent Assistant for Digital Forensics
- Peter Gavin (advisor David Whalley/Gary Tyson), Spring 2015, A Presentation and Low-Level Energy Usage Analysis of Two Low-Power Architectural Techniques
- Jeremy Hatcher (advisor Daniel Schwartz), Spring 2015, A Reflective, 3-Dimensional Behavior Tree Approach to Vehicle Autonomy
- Michael Mitchell (advisor Andy Wang), Spring 2015, Cachetags: Protecting the Input and Display of Sensitive Data
- Frank Sposaro (advisor Gary Tyson), Spring 2015, Performance Gains through Sensory Systems: A Dissertation
- Mark Stanovich (advisor Ted Baker/Andy Wang), Spring 2015, Plugging I/O Resource Leaks in General Purpose Real-Time Systems
- Nan Zhao (advisor Xiuwen Liu), Spring 2015, Context-Sensitive Semantic Segmentation
- Jiangbo Yuan (advisor Xiuwen Liu), Summer 2014, Indexing, Searching, and Mining Large-Scale Visual Data via Structured Vector Quantization
- Shuaiyuan Zhao (advisor Zhenghao Zhang), Summer 2014, Improving the Performance of Wireless Networks with Ubiquitously Compatible Solutions in the Medium Access Control Layer
- James McClain (advisor Piyush Kumar), Spring 2014, On Exactitude in Geographic Information Science
- Wickus Nieaber (advisor Xin Yuan), Spring 2014, Effective Routing on Fat-Tree Topologies
- Guanyu Tian (advisor Zhenhai Duan), Spring 2014, Enhancing Anonymity of Anonymous P2P Content Sharing Systems
- Samidth Chatterjee (advisor Piyush Kumar), Fall 2012, Experimental Approaches to Computational Geometric and Statistical Machine Translation Problems
- Sarah Diesburg (advisor Andy Wang), Fall 2012, Per-File Full-Data-Path Secure Deletion for Electronic Storage
- Wei Hu (advisor Zhenghao Zhang), Fall 2012, Practical Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks
- Matthew Small (advisor Xin Yuan), Fall 2012, Optimizing MPI Point-To-Point Communication Performance on Rdma-Enabled Smp-Cmp Clusters
- Justin Fincher (advisor Gary Tyson/Jonathan Dennis), Summer 2012, Creation and Modification Of Models of Nucleosome Occupancy and Their Applications across Multiple Species
- Ian Finlayson (advisor David Whalley/Gary Tyson), Summer 2012, Improving Processor Efficiency by Statically Pipelining Instructions
- Yue Li (advisor Gary Tyson), Summer 2012, Understanding the Determining Factors and Their Cooperative Effects on Protein Folding
- Jin Xie (advisor Zhenghao Zhang), Summer 2012, Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Efficient Software Partial Packet Recovery System in 802.11 Wireless Lans
- Yuval Peress (advisor Gary Tyson), Spring 2012, There and Back Again … A Datum’s Tale
- Wei Zhang (advisor Robert van Engelen), Spring 2012, Eff icient Xml Stream Processing and Searching
- Fernando Sanchez (advisor Zhenhai Duan), Fall 2011, A Sender-Centric Approach to Spam and Phishing Control
- Arturo Donate Cortes (advisor Xiuwen Liu), Summer 2011, Three-Dimensional Scene Estimation from Monocular Videos with Applications in Video Analysis
- Wayne Liu (advisor Sudhir Aggarwal), Summer 2011, Trust Management and Accountability for Internet Security
- Bin Yao (advisor Feifei Li), Summer 2011, Spatial Approximate String Search
- Haohai Yu (advisor Robert van Engelen), Summer 2011, Acceleration Methods for Bayesian Network Sampling
- Michael Connor (advisor Piyush Kumar), Spring 2011, A Simple, Thread-safe, Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
2010 and before(incomplete)
- McDonald, Jeffrey T., 2007, Enhanced Security for Mobile Agent Systems
- Faraj, Ahmad, 2006, Automatic Empirical Techniques for Developing Efficient MPI Collective Communication Routines
- Jakimoski, Goce – Primitives and Schemes for Non-atomic Information Authentication
- Long, Jidong – A Case-based Framework for Meta Intrusion Detection
- Kreahling, W. – Reducing the Cost of Comparisons within Conditional Transfers of Control
- Zhao, W. – Reducing the WCET of Applications on Low End Embedded Systems
- Whaley, R. – Automated Empirical Optimization of High Performance Floating Point Kernels
- Healy, C. – Automatic Utilization of Constraints for Timing Analysis
- Uh, G. – Effectively Exploiting Indirect Jumps
- White, R. – Bounding Worst-Case Data Cache Performance
- Mueller, F. – Static Cache Simulation and Its Applications