Student Recognition
Mustakimur R. Khandaker, a recent Ph.D. graduate advised by Dr. Zhi Wang, will join the Department of Computer Science at the University of Georgia as a Tenure-track Assistant Professor. Mustakimur’s research focuses on system and software security, more specifically, Control Flow Integrity (CFI)….
Student Recognition
Mustakimur R. Khandaker, a Ph.D. candidate in the CS Department under the supervision of Prof. Zhi Wang, has published a full paper in the prestigious 25th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS’20), which will hold on March 16-20, 2020 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Professor Jie Yang awarded $459k NSF grant for WiFi-based Ubiquitous Sensing
Student Recognition
FSU undergraduate students including FSU Computer Science major Cameron Conroy competed and won gold at the international iGEM competition in Boston.
Dr. Karen Works joins PC Campus Faculty