On the map:







Department Address

  • 253 Love Building
    Florida State University
    Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530
    Phone: (850) 644-4029
    Fax: (850) 644-0058

Faculty and Staff Listing

Prospective or Current Undergraduate Students

  • David Whalley
    Director of Undergraduate Studies
    whalley [ at cs dot fsu dot edu ]
  • Christopher Mills
    Deputy Director of Undergraduate Studies
    cmills [ at cs dot fsu dot edu ]

Prospective or Current Graduate Students

  • Daniel Clawson
    Graduate Coordinator of MS Admission and Studies
    Office: LOV203E
    clawson [ at cs dot fsu dot edu ]
    Phone: (850) 645-4975
  • Vacancy
    Graduate Coordinator of Doctoral Admission and Studies
    [ at cs dot fsu dot edu ]
  • Andy Wang
    Director of Graduate Studies (PhD Programs)
    aawang [ at fsu dot edu ]
  • Shayok Chakraborty
    Director of Graduate Studies (MS Programs)
    shayok [ at cs dot fsu dot edu ]

Other Departmental Information

  • Ye Zhang
    Departmental Administrative Assistant
    [ yz24j at fsu dot edu ]
    Phone: (850) 644-2644

Departmental Administration

    • Department Chair (Weikuan Yu): (850) 644-0050
    • Department Associate Chair (David Whalley): (850) 644-3506
    • Business Manager (Monica Laughlin): TBD
    • Grants Specialist (Shulei Sun): (850) 644-8598
    • Webmaster (Webmaster): (850) 644-4019
    • OPS appointment papers, graduate assistant payroll (Edwina Hall): (850) 644-0672

Computer Labs

  • Majors Lab: Phone (850) 644-6097.

CS Systems Group

  • CS Dept. Computer and Network Help: Please use the on-line form.
  • View the Systems group web page to find New User info, to submit a ticket to the help-desk, self-help tutorials, our services, and the status of the servers.
  • Room MCH 208 (Carothers)
    M-F, 8am-5pm
    Phone: (850) 644-4019