COP4610: Operating Systems & Concurrent Programming up ↑

Supplemental Notes

Spring 2015


These have either been newly writte, or checked and revised as necessary, for the current term.

Secure C Coding

Supplemental for Tools & Methods

These provide specific information that is relevant to tools and methods you may want/need to use in this course. You can of course find much of the same information from other sources on the Web.

Supplemental for Unix/POSIX

Supplemental for Concurrent Programming & Synchronization

Supplemental for OS Concepts

Old, not yet Checked or Updated for Current Term

These notes, from a prior offering of this course, have not yet been checked or updated for the current term. They may contain some broken links, and some references that are obsolete in the sense of referring to a different textbook and somewhat different assignments. I hope to update some of them as the term progresses, and promote them to the list above, as a supplement to the information provied in the new (SGG) text.

Supplemental for Unix/Linux/POSIX

These provide specific information that is relevant to Unix/POSIX/Linux, that is not provided in your text book. They may be useful, though you can of course find he same information from other sources on the Web.

Generic Textbook Chapters

The following correspond roughtly to chapters in Stallings' textbook on operating systems. They are unlikely to be of much us in this course, as most of the same material is covered in your textbook, albeit in a somewhat different way. I will probably not expend the time to update them.

T. P. Baker. ($Id)