Yu and Oral Awarded NSF Grant on I/O Containerization and Disaggregation

Dr. Weikuan Yu and Dr. Sarp Oral have been awarded a grant of $500K from the National Science Foundation titled “SHF: Medium: Collaborative Research: ECC: Ephemeral Coherence Cohort for I/O Containerization and Disaggregation”. In this project, Yu and Oral develop a research framework called Ephemeral Coherence Cohort (ECC) that offers an abstraction to represent the active collection of application data through containerization, insulation of I/O activities across different applications, and enabling storage disaggregation for ephemeral allocation and dynamic utilization of burst buffers. The proposed ECC framework aims to enhance a variety of mission-critical applications running on the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation leadership computing facilities. The project represents a new collaboration between the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and Florida State University.


Dr. Weikuan Yu is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Florida State University. His research interests include a multitude of technical areas including processor-memory architecture, big data analytics in social networks, high speed interconnects, cloud and distributed systems, storage and I/O systems. Yu is currently serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He is a senior member of IEEE and member of ACM, USENIX and AAAS.


Dr. Sarp Oral is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Florida State University.

His research interests include a multitude of technical areas including processor-memory architecture, scalable architectures, high performance parallel I/O and storage systems, high speed interconnects, cloud and distributed systems. Oral is a Senior Research Scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and also currently serving as the President of the Open Scalable File Systems (OpenSFS).