CS Awarded Grant to Enable Reconfigurable Computing Infrastructure

The Department of Computer Science at Florida State University was awarded a grant of $700K from the National Science Foundation titled “II-New: A Software-Defined Reconfigurable Infrastructure for Cross-Layer Research on Computer Architecture, Network, and Storage Systems”. With this award, Computer Science Professors Weikuan Yu, Xin Yuan, and David Whalley will acquire and develop a software-defined reconfigurable infrastructure called NoleLand. The infrastructure will feature cutting-edge manycore processors, software-defined networking, and 3D Xpoint High Bandwidth Memory devices for computer systems research. It will also test cross-layer research on performance, scalability, and resilience of large-scale systems, and develop software-defined file and storage systems for computing and data analytics applications. Furthermore, NoleLand will enable compiler and architecture co-design, and cache/memory concert for massive parallelism in GPU, software-defined networking, and HPC cluster-wide data security.