Teaching Faculty Moves in Computer Science at FSU

After nine years at FSU as both a student and a faculty member, Caitlin Carnahan will be leaving this fall to join the Physics department at Carnegie Mellon University as a PhD student. Over the past two and a half years, Caitlin has taught six different courses for the Computer Science department including Computer Organization II, Python Programming, and Programming Languages. In addition to her teaching duties, Caitlin has organized the annual CS Expo and Honors Day events as well as served as the FSU ACM chapter advisor. Caitlin will be missed at Florida State, and the department wishes her the best of luck on her new ventures at Carnegie Mellon!

Our department could not be more pleased to welcome Sharanya Jayaraman, a graduate of our own department to help fill this teaching faculty line. Sharanya obtained a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from Anna University, India in 2010.  She got a bit of industry experience with Tata Consultancy Services working on a project for Target. She started graduate school in Fall 2011 and received a Master of Science degree in Computer Science in 2014 from Florida State University. Following this, she hopes to earn a PhD in Computer Science from Florida State University in 2017 under the guidance of Prof. Michael Mascagni as she helps to teach courses that the majors in our department regularly take as their core requirements.

Sharanya’s interests include High Performance and Scientific Computing, Monte Carlo Methods, Computer Architecture, and Operating Systems.