PhD student Rituparna Khan to be featured in Winter 24 FSU Spectrum and selected for FSU Women’s Leadership Institute.

CS PhD student Rituparna Khan will be featured in Jan 24 edition of the Spectrum Magazine where she talked about her research in Bioinformatics under the supervision of Dr. Xian Mallory. She mentioned that their lab is focused on developing computational tools that will help detect mutations using single cell DNA and RNA sequencing data and why their research is important. She also recently got selected for the FSU Women’s Leadership Institute where she will share her experience and learn more about leadership skills from other students, faculty, and staff. Finally, Rituparna had her first-authored journal paper accepted provisionally recently. Once the formatting issue is resolved, the manuscript will be published on PLoS Computational Biology, whose impact factor is 4.8. She worked on the manuscript starting from the summer of 2022. Although the three rounds of review and revision process took more than a whole year, Rituparna patiently dealt with all of the reviewers’ questions, and finally had her first journal paper provisionally accepted.