Dr. Weikuan Yu Receives Grants for Collaborative Research on Deep Learning

Dr. Weikuan Yu has been awarded a grant of $300K from the National Science Foundation titled “IRES Track-1: I/O Research for Data-Intensive Analytics and Deep Learning”. This project sponsors an international collaboration between the Computer Science Department at Florida State University and the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) of Japan. It leverages Japan’s upcoming exascale computer, Fugaku, for research and training of IRES participants and enriches the portfolio of international collaborations between the U.S. and Japan. Yu and his collaborators at R-CCS will pursue cross-layer optimizations on I/O middleware libraries, parallel file systems, and storage configurations, serving data-intensive analytics and deep learning applications.

Dr. Weikuan Yu also received two grants in the amounts of $72K and $74K from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. One grant sponsors his research tackling the data management challenges in the workflow of complex deep learning applications, the other for research on autonomous device-to-device communication and I/O for deep learning applications. These grants extend his long-standing and productive collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.