Dr. Shayok Chakraborty receives an NIH Grant for Collaborative AI Research

The National Institute on Aging has awarded a research supplement in the amount of $200K to Dr. Shayok Chakraborty (Assistant Professor, CS FSU) and Dr. Walter Boot (Professor, Department of Psychology, FSU) that will fund additional research related to their collaborative R01 grant titled “The Adherence Promotion with Person-centered Technology (APPT) Project: Promoting Adherence to Enhance the Early Detection and Treatment of Cognitive Decline”. The aim of this supplement is to promote diversity in health-related research, an important goal and priority of the National Institutes of Health. Funds will support the research and mentorship of a post-doctoral scholar, who will gain experience conducting research in the area of understanding older adults’ adherence to technology-based interventions to measure and support health behaviors, including behaviors that predict or prevent cognitive impairment. Supplemental research activities will focus on understanding barriers to the use of wearable and mobile devices that may provide key insights into predicting health and health behaviors. Dr. Chakraborty is a Co-PI and research mentor on this collaborative grant.