Computer Science Department gets awarded its largest grant

In September 2016 the Computer Science Department was awarded its largest grant in the history of the department. The department received a 5-year NSF CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) grant for $4.6 million. The grant will provide scholarships for students who commit to getting an MS CS degree in the Cybersecurity track. The grant also supports a more limited number of students during their senior year of the BS CS before they enter the MS CS program. In total the grant will support 64 graduate student scholarship years and 8 undergraduate scholarship years. Students in the SFS program receive an academic year stipend ($22,500 for seniors and $34,000 for graduate students), tuition and fees, health insurance reimbursement, and a $2,000 textbook allowance. In addition, each student will be provided a paid summer internship with a federal agency. Professor Mike Burmester is the PI on this grant and Professors Xiuwen Liu, David Whalley, and Jie Yang are the co-PIs.