CVPR Tutorial on Nonlinear Manifolds in Computer Vision

Anuj Srivastava       Washington Mio       Xiuwen Liu

A Short Course at Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2004

Sunday, June 27th, Washington DC

This tutorial on nonlinear manifolds in computer vision is divided into four segments consisting of:
  1. A discussion of problems in computer vision that motivate the study of geometric properties of manifolds;
  2. An informal introduction to the basic elements of the theory of differentiable manifolds, illustrated with examples that are relevant to the study of vision problems;
  3. A discussion of optimization and statistical inference techniques on non-linear manifolds;
  4. A demonstration of several vision algorithms developed with methods of stochastic differential geometry.

The final version of the presentation is available here in pdf format.
A list of useful references is available here.


Studies on nonlinear manifolds in computer vision are primarily driven by vision problems. Here we list a few examples to illustrate the relevance and importance of nonlinear manifolds.

Technical Description

Course Materials

About the Speakers

Created on Jan. 28, 2004
Last updated on March 31, 2004.