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Header for Assignments

Use the header format below inside a comment at the top of each of your files for homework submissions in this course
/* Name: (Your Name)
Date: (The Date)
Section: (Your section)
Assignment: (Assignment#)
Due Date: (Due Date)
About this project: (write a small blurb about what this project's goals are/what tasks it accomplishes)
Assumptions: (write any assumptions made here (ex: assumes correct user input))

All work below was performed by (Your Name) */


  • NO global variables (this means no variables declared outside of any function, including main() )
  • NO system calls
  • NO goto statements
  • Follow the rules of each assignment as closely as possible
  • Style Guidelines

    This page is intended to summarize general style guidelines, which should help you build good habits in writing and documenting code. It is not intended to describe every possible situation, exception, or variation in different coding/documenting styles. This is a set of general guidelines you should use for this course. If some points are not clear to you, please ask an instructor.

    General Coding Guidelines

    1. Identifiers should be meaningful, but not overly lengthy
    2. Individual functions (including main()) should not be excessively long. (For example, if it takes more than 1 or 2 pages when printed out, it's pretty long).
    3. Avoid the use of global variables (meaning variables that are declared outside the scope of any function). Things that are only used within a given function should be declared local to that function. The only general exception should be constants, though only if used througout the program.
    4. Get into the habit of declaring variables at the top of main(), and using them later on.

    Commenting Guidelines

    Comments should be used to clarify and make your code more understandable to the reader -- which might be somebody else, but also might be YOU, a day/week/month/year later. There are many varied styles out there, but overall I'm looking for documentation that improves readbility, but does not clutter up the code and detract from readability.
    1. Include a main header comment at the top of each file. This comment block should include: Note: While for this course, I want to make sure your header includes your name, section, etc -- it is ALWAYS a good idea to have a header on any code file that summarizes the file's purpose. This is especially true when you one day work on multiple-file programs, and each file contains different elements or modules used in a given program
    2. Avoid "well, duh" comments. Don't just repeat what the code says directly in a comment. Example:
         x = temp;		// set x to temp    <---- well, DUH!

    3. Comments on variable declarations should be meaningful, to clarify what the variable's purpose in the program is. Examples:
        int test1, test2, final; 	// for user entry of test scores
        double average;		// for storing the calculated test average
        int i;			// loop counter

    4. Line comments in nearby sections of code are more clear if they line up to the same starting point.
        int num1, num2, num3;                 // user entered numbers
        double average;			// calculated average of the numbers
        int score1,				// score on exam 1
            score2;				// score on exam 2
        int num1, num2, num3;          // user entered numbers
        double average;    // calculated average of the numbers
        int score1,    // score on exam 1
            score2;			    // score on exam 2
      Note that this second one looks junky and cluttered. Harder to read.
    5. Comments that are longer (i.e. take more than one line) are often best done as block comments, before the item or section being commented on. Line comment style is okay, too -- but make sure it's clearly one section of comments and doesn't obscure actual code. Example:
      /* This function takes in a fahrenheit temperature (fahr)
       *  and returns the equivalent temperature converted
       *  to the celsius scale
      double ConvertToCelsius(double fahr)

    6. Good places to USE comments in a program:

    Formatting Programs

    1. It's best to write your code so that you don't use more than 80 characters per "line".
    2. Separate different "sections" of code with blank lines (like a section of variable declarations, then a section out output statements). See examples on the course web site
    3. You should always indent the contents of a block by a few spaces, to make it easy to spot the contents of a given block:
         int length, width;
         int area;
         // now another block, just for fun
             cout << "Woo hoo!";
             area = length * width;
         cout << "Area = " << area;

    4. main() should be the first function in your program -- meaning, that anytime you write other functions, they need to be defined below main(), with their declarations above main() (But below the header/library includes). Example:
      using namespace std;
      /*Function DECLARATIONS*/
      int main()
       	/* main() code*/
      /*Function DEFINITIONS*/
    5. As we learn new control structures and language elements, you will see examples of good style and indentation for these. More to be added when we get to them.