Real Time Signal Processing Circuits Directly in Electromagnetic Waveform Domain

Speaker: Bayaner Arigong

Date: Oct 20, 2023

Abstract: Inspired by the visionary landscapes of science fiction, ubiquitous computing has emerged as a futuristic yet transformative paradigm that aims to seamlessly integrate computing technology into the fabric of our everyday lives. However, despite the promise of this vision, it remains uncertain how we can bring the vision to reality. In this talk, I articulate three foundational pillars that underpin the future of ubiquitous computing: intelligence, scalability, and sustainability. Intelligence, in the form of sensing and machine learning, empowers devices to intuitively understand and respond to user needs. Scalability ensures that computing devices can seamlessly infiltrate every corner of our environment, delivering their services ubiquitously. Sustainability underscores the importance of long-term and environmentally friendly device design, streamlining user maintenance efforts and reducing adverse impacts on our physical environment. To exemplify how these pillars can be achieved, I delve into the realm of smart materials, illustrating how they can serve as an exemplar solution to bridge these three pillars. Smart materials, characterized by their versatile form factors, ease of use, and sustainable properties, showcase the potential for a future where computing technology is seamlessly woven into our surroundings, enhancing our daily lives sustainably.

Links and comments: Bayaner Arigong received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree from China University of Geosciences in 2005 and 2008 and earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from University of North Texas in 2015. After that, he joined in Infineon Technologies as advanced RF system design engineer, developing high performance integrated power amplifier circuit for cellular base stations. Currently, he is an assistant professor with electrical engineering department at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, FL. His current research interests cover broad areas of RF/microwave circuits and systems (e.g. passive circuit, concurrent multi-beamforming architecture, power amplifiers, antenna, and RF front end), metamaterials, transformation optics, and nano-photonics, and he has published more than 50 journal papers and 50 conference papers and filed more than 5 US patents in his research field.

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