Designed by Cisco, the Capture the Flag competition revolved around the securing and attacking of IOT devices. Over the duration of two days, the FSU team worked to solve challenges in network analytics and forensics, cryptography, steganography, radio transmission security and exploitation, IOT security, and software analytics. The four Cybersecurity students from Florida State University finished in 4th place and were presented with Super Nintendos.
In addition to the competitions, CSI CyberSEED, sponsored by Comcast, also featured a variety of speakers for the conference event. FSU students Grady Denton, Brandon Everhart, Taylor Shields, and Jacob Mills attended the speaker presentations while the competitions took place. Benjamin Fuller, an Assistant Professor at UCONN presented on the use of irises for biometric authentication. Additionally, the Principal of Grier Forensics, Jonathan Grier, gave a talk on the encryption of emails. Preparing for post-quantum cryptography was another interesting presentation made by Brian Lamacchia, the head of the Security and Cryptography team at Microsoft Research. Kirill Levchenko, an Assistant Research Scientist on Systems and Networking at UC San Diego also spoke about the analysis of devices that defeat emission standards in modern automobiles. Cybersecurity graduate student and Secretary of the FSU Cybersecurity Club, Taylor Shields, stated “It was a great experience to learn about new approaches to problems and important topics in the cybersecurity community, as well as network with cybersecurity professionals who were also in attendance.”