Dr. Works Joins FSU CS Faculty at the Panama City Campus

Karen Works IMG_8832

The Computer Science Department would like to officially welcome Dr. Karen Works!
We are pleased she is teaching at our Panama city location, and this will only further enhance our department and provide consistency among courses taught at PC and main campus.

Dr. Works joined Florida State University Panama City as Computer Science faculty in the summer of 2019. She is excited to bring her passion for teaching and student-focused hands-on learning approach to the FSU students. She is involved in educational outreach and STEM activities. She is a faculty member of the FSU PC Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) student organization. ACM is registered to compete in the 2018 Roboboat autonomous boat competition hosted by Robonation and the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). She is a member on the Invention Convention Committee. She is a member of the Panama City Post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME).

She loves to be involved in interdisciplinary undergraduate student research.

To learn more about Dr. Works, See her Personal Page, Here.