CS Students to Present in Top Computer Security Conference

Mustakimur R. Khandaker, a Ph.D. student from the CS Department, has published a full paper in the prestigious 28th USENIX Security Symposium, which will hold on August 14-16, 2019 in Santa Clara, California. USENIX Security is one of the top-tier conferences in the Computer Security area. The paper, titled “Origin-sensitive Control Flow Integrity” proposes a new context-sensitive CFI system that can significantly improve the security of the state-of-art CFI systems. This work is the continuation of his earlier work published in EuroS&P’19 titled “Adaptive Call-site Sensitive Control Flow Integrity”. Both projects have been open-sourced available at the author’s GitHub page: https://github.com/mustakcsecuet/. The other students that contributed to the projects include Wenqing Liu and Abu Naser.