Announcing a Special Session on

Stochastic Computations: From Parallel Random Number Generators to Monte Carlo Applications

ICCS 2002 Conference on Computational Science

April 21-24, 2002

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The purpose of this special session is to bring together researchers in Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods who work on tools, algorithms, software, or applications in a parallel scientific computing environment.  We hope to draw participants who are computer scientists, mathematicians, numerical analysts, and application specialists to provide a means for presenting research results, parallel computing experience, and informal updates of research in progress.  We also hope to encourage discussion and interchange of  ideas in the area of parallel and distributed computing for large-scale problems solved via Monte Carlo methods. 

A limited number of contributed talks will be selected for this session. Extended abstracts of no more than two pages should  be sent to the organizers before November 1, 2001. The contributions can be in either LaTeX, Postscript or pure ASCII.  Notice of acceptance of the extended abstract will be sent no later than November 5, 2001.  After acceptance, full papers, from 6 to 10 pages, formatted with the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) styles from Springer-Verlag should be sent to the  organizers before November 26, 2001.  The LNCS style files can be found at the URL:

Summary, important dates and notes:

Deadline Date Action
November 1, 2001 Extended Abstracts
November 5, 2001 Notice of Acceptance Sent Out
November 26, 2001 Full Paper Submission (see above)
January 10, 2002 Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration

The extended abstracts and eventually the full papers full this Workshop should be sent to Michael Mascagni or Vassil Alexandrov, the session organizers.

Payments, registration, hotel reservations and other conference matters should be taken care of in accordance with ICCS2002 procedure as outlined on the conference homepage:

 This announcement can be found on the web at the URL:

Thank you for your interest in this session from the organizers:

Prof. Michael Mascagni
Department of Computer Science
Florida State University
203 Love Building
Tallahassee, FL  32306-4530 USA

Dr. Vassil Alexandrov
Department of Computer Science
University of Reading
P.O. Box 225