Microcomputer Applications for Business and Economics
CGS 2100
Spring 2018


Calendar (HTML)


Links, links, links

Technology in History

Most histories of computing leave out the contributions of the American number theorists in the early 20th century who constructed specialized computing devices.

The most prominent of these were Derrick Norman Lehmer and Derrick Henry Lehmer.

Here are a few web pages with information about their computing devcies:

A recent talk given by Arjen Lenstra

Lehmer Factoring Machines

Also, here's an interesting book review of a recently published book about the origins of the computing age: Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe

Technology and Society

Artificial Intelligence (usually called "AI") has long been a fascination of computer scientists and the general public, and has been growing increasingly important recently.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Turing Test

The Trouble with the Turing Test

XKCD (of course); it's at http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/turing_test.png

Third-Party Web Tracking: Policy and Technology


Superintelligence (Wikipedia)

Generations in the Computing Age

Konrad Zuse


Altair 8800

IMSAI 8080

Apple I

Apple II

November, 1977 edition of BYTE magazine

Xerox PARC

Another printing technology: Dye sublimation printer

3d printing

The Dawn of Quantum Computing Age?

Top 500 Supercomputers in the world


Ten Risks of PKI

Mike Shapiro Hidden Camera Cartoon

Computer and Information Ethics

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Electronic Privacy Information Center

ACM Code of Ethics

Ethics in Computer (NC State)

Digital Rights

GPL's list of Open Source Software Licenses

Japanese Patent Office webpage on Kyota Sugimoto, inventor of the first Japanese typewriter

English language webpage on the development of the Japanese typewriter

Japanese language webpage on the development of the Japanese typewriter

Google Search Operators

Advanced Google Search

TEMPEST: A Signal Problem

NSA official: Support of backdoored Dual_EC_DRBG was "regrettable"

The Cathedral of Computation

Puri.sm smartphone project

Hollywood and Obsolence

Thunderbolt technology

Chatbots versus voicespam

Alternatives For Facebook

Best CPUs for workstations 2017

Best CPU for gaming 2017

Okay, Google, Get Out of My Face

10 gbps cable Internet uploads and downloads in DOCSIS 3.1 update

Big Data as Surveillance Capitalism

Surveillance Capitalism

When it comes to Internet privacy, be very afraid, analyst suggests

Surveillance is the business model of the Internet

Why ProtonMail is more secure than Gmail


Robots Are Not as Smart as You Think

GCSE Computer Science

Western Digital Hard Codes Backdoor in NAS

FBI Director Calls Unbreakable Encryption 'Urgent Public Safety Issue'

AMP Letter

Let's Encrypt

Snowden Joins Outcry Against World's Biggest Biometric Database

MADIoT - The nightmare after XMAS (and Meltdown, and Spectre)

MIT's "Moral Machine" website

(Hawaii Emergency Management Agency via Washington Post)

Lifelike Robots Made in Hong Kong Meant to Win over Humans

Confusable Unicode

Debunking Genetic Astrology

No More Ransom!

Public Money, Public Code

Mt Gox Blockchain Analysis

Turla's ability to target embassies and consulates has a new weapon: Flash installer malware.

Some Basic Rules for Securing Your IOT Stuff

Cryptocurrency News

Cyber Sovereignty

The SEC's recent thoughts on "Initial Coin Offerings"

Iced Tea makes major name transformation

Kodak joins the party

Welcome to the neighborhood — have you read the terms of service?

Google is transforming NYC

Video on LinkNYC

Chicago goes for "Array of (Internet) Things"

Nvidia asks retailers to limit sales of its graphics cards

Cryptocurrency backed by gold?

Robinhood adds zero-fee cryptocurrency trading and tracking

Secure 5G — Flipping the Script

To counter China, White House memo suggests a nationalized 5G network

Fitness Tracking App Gives Away Location of Secret Army Bases

Babies' personal data sold on the Dark Web/

Cybercrime around the globe

India says 'no' to cryptocurrencies

Cybercrime Behemoth Shutdown Following Global Crackdown

Would you have spotted this skimmer?

The Turkish Coup and the Bylock Messenger

GDPR Compliance

Computer Science Ethics Courses

CERT: Hidden COBRA - North Korean Malicious Cyber Activity

Fiat/Chrysler pushed a UConnect update that causes constant reboots

Google turns on default ad-blocker within Chrome

Humans not invited? (more edifying discussion at Motherboard)

Safe around your smart TV?

New EU Privacy Law May Weaken Security

China's web censors go into overdrive as President Xi Jinping consolidates power

Huawei Mate 10 Pro becomes first AI-enabled phone to drive a car

Over 40% of online login attempts globally are made by attackers

Six tips to help avoid targeted marketing

Sloppy password habits

California to allow testing of self-driving cards without a driver present

The GANfather

How to not run a Certificate Authority

Ars Technica article on the same situation

China Bans the letter "N" (briefly) from the Internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power

For Whom the Cell Trolls

France revamps cyber-defense policies

Facebook app for kids

Autonomous vehicles: Are you ready for the new ride?

Stanford students challenge Apple IPhone addiction

Qarnot unveils a cryptocurrency heater for your home

Open educational resources drive teaching renaissance

Krebs: Look-alike domain names



Spoof, Jam, Destroy: Why We Need a Backup for GPS

Cyberattacks put Russian fingers on the switch at power plants, U.S. says

Russian Government Cyber Activity Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors

Walmart launches small army of autonomous scanning robots

A series of tweets from Francois Chollet to consider

MIT's new robot fish


Inside the Chinese lab that plans to rewire the world with AI

Ad Scammers and Facebook

Ghostminer: Cryptomining Malware Goes Fileless

Atlanta Held Hostage by Ransomware

Online C Compiler

Another Online C Compiler

Another one

And another C compiler

Excel is getting smarter

Banks joining forces to provide a solid backup plan for one another

National responses to the growing importance of AI:

Swedes turn against cashlessness

Aversion to programming language versioning

Becoming an "e-resident"

One of Estonia's First E-residents Explains Digital Citizenship

Should AI Researchers Kill People?

The Race for AI

France: 3d-printed public housing

'The Business of War': Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon

The Download: The U.S. Military Desperately Wants to Weaponize AI

IRS MEF status

E-File system crashes on Tax Day 2018

Websites to watch

Ars Technica

MIT Technology Review

More XKCD: