The Chair’s Greeting
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science (CS) at the Florida State University (FSU). As a relatively new discipline, Computer Science has never stopped changing our society in many fundamental ways, and bringing wonders to humanity. For example, the recent release of ChatGPT has stormed the world with the unfathomable power and potential of generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies. As the FSU Computer Science Department Chair, I am pleased that you have come across this page. I hope that you would spend a few minutes exploring the great education and research programs in our department and the wonderful family of CS students, staff, and faculty. First and foremost, our main mission is:
- To strive for excellence in advancing, applying, and imparting knowledge in computer science through comprehensive educational programs, research in collaboration with industry and government, and dissemination through scholarly products;
- To produce outstanding computer science professionals who have the fundamental knowledge, problem-solving skills, and life-long learning capability to advance their careers.
- To disseminate computer science knowledge to students and professionals in other disciplines, and
- To provide service to the university community, professional societies, local communities, the state, and the nation.
Our department hosts a diverse set of quality education programs. We offer six distinct Bachelor programs, four tracks for Master of Science, and the Doctoral program, all in Computer Science. Currently we have over 1,000 majors in the BS/BA programs and about 280 graduate students working towards their Master of Science and Doctoral degrees. Our BS in CS degree program is accredited by the national ABET Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC). In addition, we offer interdisciplinary bachelor’s degrees in Cyber Criminology and Computational Biology, in collaboration with the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice and the Department of Biology, respectively. The department offers cyber security and information assurance courses and was the first department in the state to receive the designation “NSA/DHS Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAEIAE) and Research (CAR-R)” for FSU.
Furthermore, we are proud of an excellent composition of our faculty, including our seven NSF CAREER Award winners, two AFOSR Young Investigator Award winners, two Fulbright Scholar Award winners, an IEEE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Scientists, and an FSU Distinguished Research Professor. Our faculty are among the world’s leaders in Algorithms, Architecture, Databases, Distributed Systems, High-Performance Computing, Networking, Programming Languages and Compilers, Scientific Computing, Security, Software Engineering, and Vision.
Again, please take some time to explore our cutting-edge education and research programs. We look forward to you joining our faculty, staff and students and, together, bringing our programs to new highs in the next few years.
Weikuan Yu
Professor and Chair
Department of Computer Science
Florida State University