The publication by Michael Gubanov together with collaborators from Rice University was selected to be included in the Research Highlight section of the Communications of ACM (CACM) journal. The journal is known to be very selective, summarizing the most impactful contributions to Computer Science across all areas. Gubanov describes a novel data analytics system, marrying linear and relational algebra, introduced by Edgar Codd in the Communications of ACM in 1970 and used widely in data management systems today. CACM has rigorous nomination and selection processes to ensure the best CACM articles are published in this section.
Dr. Gubanov is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department. His research interests include Data Science, Large-scale Data Management and Deep Learning, Web-search, and Mobile Computing. His recent research accomplishments include 2017 IEEE ICDE Best Paper Award, 2018 ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, invited articles to ACM SIGMOD Record, and IEEE TKDE journals in 2018 and 2019, 2020 CACM Research Highlight Honor, election to Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society in 2021. Gubanov serves as a Vice-Chair of IEEE BigData 2021, as a Senior PC (SPC) member of The Web Conference 2021, as a PC Member of ACM SIGMOD 2022, IEEE ICDE 2022, 2021 ACM SIGMOD PC, 2021 EDBT PC, and as an SPC member of EDBT 2021. He also serves as a reviewer for 2021 ACM SIGMOD Record and IEEE TKDE journals.