Sample SQL queries demoed in the class CREATE TABLE Beers( name CHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY, manf CHAR(64)) CREATE TABLE Bars( name CHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY, address CHAR(128), license CHAR(64)) CREATE TABLE Drinkers( name CHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY, address CHAR(128), phone CHAR(16)) CREATE TABLE Likes( drinker CHAR(64), beer CHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (drinker, beer), FOREIGN KEY (drinker) REFERENCES Drinkers, FOREIGN KEY (beer) REFERENCES Beers) CREATE TABLE Sells( bar CHAR(64), beer CHAR(64), price REAL, PRIMARY KEY (bar, beer), FOREIGN KEY (bar) REFERENCES Bars, FOREIGN KEY (beer) REFERENCES Beers) CREATE TABLE Frequents( drinker CHAR(64), bar CHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (drinker, bar), FOREIGN KEY (drinker) REFERENCES Drinkers, FOREIGN KEY (bar) REFERENCES Bars) 1. select * from Beers where manf = 'busch' 2. select name as beer, manf as company from Beers 3. select beer, price*120 as Yen from Sells where beer = 'bud light' * from drinkers where address like '%first%' 5. select * from drinkers where phone like '%-11__' 6. select * from sells where price < 3 or price >= 3 7. select * from sells where price < 3 or price >= 3 or price is null 8. select beer from Likes L, Frequents F where'joe bar' and F.drinker=L.drinker 9. select bar from sells where beer = 'bud' and price = ( select price from sells where bar = 'joe bar' and beer = 'bud') 10. select bar from sells where beer = 'bud light' and price < (select price from sells where bar = 'emily bar' and beer = 'bud light') 11. select bar from sells where beer = 'bud light' and price <= all (select price from sells where beer = 'bud light') 12. select bar from sells where beer = 'bud light' and price < any (select price from sells where beer = 'bud light') 13. select name, manf from beers b1 where not exists (select * from beers b2 where b1.manf=b2.manf and <> 14. select price from sells where bar = 'joe bar' union select price from sells where bar = 'emily bar' 15. select price from sells where bar='joe bar' or bar='emily bar' 16. select beer, avg(price) from sells group by beer 17. select drinker, avg(price) from frequents f, sells s where group by drinker 18. select beer, avg(price) from sells group by beer having count(price) >= 2