Programming Assignment 2--CDA 5155 (Fall 2014) Assigned: October 7, 2014 Due: November 4, 2014 1. Purpose This project is intended to help you understand in detail how a pipelined implementation works. You will write a cycle-accurate simulator for a pipelined implementation of the LC2 that performs dynamic instruction scheduling. 2. LC2 Instruction-Set Architecture For the CDA 5155 programming assignments, you will be using the LC2 (Little Computer 2014). The LC2 is very simple, but it is general enough to solve complex problems. For this project, you will only need to know the instruction set and instruction format of the LC2. The LC2 is an 8-register, 32-bit computer. All addresses are word-addresses. The LC2 has 65536 words of memory. By assembly-language convention, register 0 will always contain the value 0. There are 4 instruction formats (bit 0 is the least-significant bit). Bits 31-25 are unused for all instructions, and should always be 0. R-type instructions (add, nand, mult): bits 24-22: opcode bits 21-19: reg A bits 18-16: reg B bits 15-3: unused (should all be 0) bits 2-0: destReg I-type instructions (lw, sw, beq): bits 24-22: opcode bits 21-19: reg A bits 18-16: reg B bits 15-0: offsetField (an 16-bit, 2's complement number with a range of -32768 to 32767) O-type instructions (halt, noop): bits 24-22: opcode bits 21-0: unused (should all be 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1: Description of Machine Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly language Opcode in binary Action name for instruction (bits 24, 23, 22) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add (R-type format) 000 add contents of regA with contents of regB, store results in destReg. nand (R-type format) 001 nand contents of regA with contents of regB, store results in destReg. lw (I-type format) 010 load regB from memory. Memory address is formed by adding offsetField with the contents of regA. sw (I-type format) 011 store regB into memory. Memory address is formed by adding offsetField with the contents of regA. beq (I-type format) 100 if the contents of regA and regB are the same, then branch to the address PC+1+offsetField, where PC is the address of the beq instruction. mult (R-type format) 101 multiplies contents of regA with contents of regB, store results in destReg. halt (O-type format) 110 increment the PC (as with all instructions), then halt the machine (let the simulator notice that the machine halted). noop (O-type format) 111 do nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Requirements This programming assignment requires the construction of a pipeline simulator, written in C or C++, for the LC2 instruction set. Solutions to this assignment will include the source code for the simulator, any test programs used to verify correct program execution and a writeup (of about 2 pages) describing how the test program verify correct execution of any legal program in the simulator. Failure to provide the writeup, or failure to provide a complete set suite will result in a lower grade, even if the simulator correctly executes all test programs. 4. LC2 Pipelined Implementation For this project we will use a datapath similar to the Pentium Pro discussed in class. Partial details of each pipeline stage follow: Fetch: 1 cycle, fetch up to 2 instructions per cycle, use a bimodal branch predictor with 64 entries (indexed by the least significant bits of the instruction address) of 2-bit counters with states (taken, weakly-tken, weakly-not-taken, and not-taken) and an inital state of weakly-not-taken for each entry. If the first instruction is a branch that is predicted taken, send only 1 instruction to the next pipeline stage. If both instructions are branches, send only 1 instruction to the next pipeline stage. You should implement a 3-entry fully associative branch target buffer (BTB) in which all branches (taken or not taken) are entered, with LRU replacement. Register rename: Convert the architected register specifiers for each instruction to physical register specifiers (using a rename table with 8 entries. Update the register mapping in the rename table for the destination register. Each entry has a valid bit (0 means the current value in the register file is correct; 1 means that some instruction in the ROB is generating the required value) and a rename index into the ROB for the instruction generating the required value. Allocate: Place each instruction in the Reorder buffer and the correct reservation station. The reorder buffer contains 16 entries; 3-entry reservation stations exist for 1) the add/nand/beq function unit, 2) the multiply function unit, and 3) the memory unit which handles loads and stores in program order (for a total of 9 reservation station entries). noop and halt instructions do not need a RS entry allocated. If the reservation station or ROB is full, stall all instructions in fetch, register rename and allocate. Reservation station entries contain: src1 physical register identifier (index into 16 entry ROB) src2 physical register identifier (index into 16 entry ROB) dest physical register identifier (index into 16 entry ROB) src1 value (source operand value after reading or forwarding) src1 valid bit (says whether the src1 value is correct or still needs to be read) src2 value (source operand value after reading or forwarding) src2 valid bit (says whether the src1 value is correct or still needs to be read) operation to perform (for load/store and add/nand/beq RS) Any other storage required for correct function Reorder buffer entries contain: Destination register ID (Architected register to update) Destination value Destination value valid bit (1 if the Destination value has been calculated) Any other storage required for correct function Schedule: At most one instruction can be executed by each function unit each cycle. Instrucions in the reservation station with all source values available can be scheduled for execution. If multiple instructions are available the instruction in earliest program order (use the dest physical register specifier and the head pointer in the ROB to determine age) is scheduled first, except that beq's always have priority over adds and nands to reduce average branch penalty. Once an instruction is scheduled, the reservation station entry is freed (it can be re-allocated in the same cycle it is freed). Execute: Adds, Nands and Beq take one cycle to execute. Multiplies are pipelined and take 6 cycles to execute; a new multiply with all dependencies resolved can start executing 2 cycles after a previous multiply has started (i.e., the multiply pipeline isn't completely pipelined). Loads and stores take 3 cycles to execute and are not pipelined. To make things easier, stores can update the memory contents at the end of execute (unlike the Pentium Pro). Once execution is complete, results are sent to the ROB (to the index specified by the destination physical register specifier, which is also the index into the ROB for that instruction) and broadcast to each reservation station entry. One execution is complete, the reservation station entry for that instruction is freed. Commit: Each cycle the two oldest entries in the reorder buffer can be retired if they have completed execution. If only the oldest instruction has completed, then it can retire. If the oldest entry has not completed, no instructions can retire this cycle. When retired, the ROB entry is freed, the register rename table entry is updated (ONLY if it is still mapped to the retiring instruction), and the architected register file is updated. Branch misprediction recovery occurs when the branch instruction is retired, with ROB, reservation station and register rename tables cleared. 5. Problem Your task is to write a cycle-accurate simulator for the LC2. At the start of the program, initialize the pc and all registers to zero. run() will be a loop, where each iteration through the loop executes one cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, print the complete state of the machine In the body of the loop, you will figure out what the new state of the machine (memory, registers, pipeline registers) will be at the end of the cycle. Your simulation will halt when the halt instruction retires. 6. Output Each cycle you should print out which instructions are in the ROB from newest to oldest. At the end of execution you should print: CYCLES: cycle time to complete program (cycle when halt is in commit) FETCHED: # of instruction fetched (including instructions squashed because of branch misprediction) RETIRED: # of instruction committed BRANCHES: # of branches executed (i.e., resolved) MISPRED: # of branches incorrectly predicted 7. Running Your Program Your simulator should be run using the same command format specified in Project 1, that is: simulate > output 8. Test Cases An integral (and graded) part of writing your pipeline simulator will be to write a suite of test cases to validate any LC2 pipeline simulator. This is common practice in the real world--software companies maintain a suite of test cases for their programs and use this suite to check the program's correctness after a change. Writing a comprehensive suite of test cases will deepen your understanding of the project specification and your program, and it will help you a lot as you debug your program. The test cases for this project will be short assembly-language programs that, after being assembled into machine code, serve as input to a simulator. You will submit your suite of test cases together with your simulator, and we will grade your test suite according to how thoroughly it exercises an LC2 pipeline simulator. The test cases for this simulator are significantly more complex than those required for a simple inorder pipeline simulator. Exhaustive testing in nearly impossible, but end cases should be tested at the least. 9. Writeup Finally you will produce a document describing the overall operation of your simulator as well as a discussion of how each test case demonstrates correct operation of some portion of your pipeline implementation. This includes executing each instruction type, correctly forwarding all data hazards and correct operation of both the BTB and branch predictor. The project writeup does not specify every aspect of the pipeline organization. Your writeup should explicitly state any design choices made including a discussion of why you designed it and how it was tested. Failure to provide this in the wrteup will severely degrade your score on the assignment 10. Turning in the Project Use the unix tar command to create a file containing your simulator source, test programs and Project writeup (in text, pdf, ps or word). Email the tar file to and Martin Brown ( with the subject "CDA 5155 P2 Submission".