List of Games

Each of these games are a reasonable level for this project, but note that a few have a little more complicated rule sets and/or boards than others. Make sure to choose something you can handle.
Game Notes
Solitaire (card games) A variety of solitaire card games (Klondike, Freecell, Spider, many others) - if you choose to do a solitaire game that's different than one of these 3 standard ones, please check with me first and provide a description and/or rules link to ensure it is an appropriate level.
Chess Standard rules, 2 players
Backgammon 2 player game
Risk Can be done as a multiple-player game. Normal board game has up to 6 players. This one would be a little harder with the graphics layout
Scrabble 2 or more players. Standard word-making game.
Yahtzee The well-known dice game
Battleship 2 player game. Should set up in some way that prevents each player from seeing other's "board". (i.e. turn-based, human players will have to "not look" when it's the other player's turn).
Texas Hold-Em Poker A rather popular version of poker
Boggle Word game. Finding words using adjacent letters
Sorry! Board game -- get your 4 pawns from your start zone to your home zone