CGS 4406 - Object Oriented Programming

Textbook code examples - 4th ed.

Lecture Notes and Outlines

  1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  2. Basic Building Blocks of C++
  3. Control Structures
  4. Functions
  5. Pass By Reference
  6. Classes and Objects
  7. Compilation and Debugging
  8. More About Classes and Objects
  9. Enumerations
  10. Array Basics
  11. Arrays and Objects, Array Techniques
  12. Pointer Basics
  13. Pointers, Strings, and I/O
  14. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  15. Operator Overloading
  16. Automatics, Copy Constructor, Assignment Operator
  17. Inheritance - the Basics
  18. Inheritance - Virtual Functions and more
  19. File I/O - (just here for your information. We didn't cover this in class)

Review Materials
