/* SPIM S20 MIPS simulator. This file describes the MIPS instructions, the assembler pseudo instructions, the assembler pseudo-ops, and the spim commands. Copyright (C) 1990-2004 by James Larus (larus@cs.wisc.edu). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SPIM is distributed under the following conditions: You may make copies of SPIM for your own use and modify those copies. All copies of SPIM must retain my name and copyright notice. You may not sell SPIM or distributed SPIM in conjunction with a commerical product or service without the expressed written consent of James Larus. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /* $Header: /Software/SPIM/src/op.h 40 6/05/04 7:21a Larus $ */ /* Type of each entry: */ #define ASM_DIR 0 #define PSEUDO_OP 1 #define BC_TYPE_INST 10 #define B1_TYPE_INST 11 #define I1s_TYPE_INST 12 #define I1t_TYPE_INST 13 #define I2_TYPE_INST 14 #define B2_TYPE_INST 15 #define I2a_TYPE_INST 16 #define R1s_TYPE_INST 20 #define R1d_TYPE_INST 21 #define R2st_TYPE_INST 22 #define R2ds_TYPE_INST 23 #define R2td_TYPE_INST 24 #define R2sh_TYPE_INST 25 #define R3_TYPE_INST 26 #define R3sh_TYPE_INST 27 #define FP_I2a_TYPE_INST 30 #define FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST 31 #define FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST 32 #define FP_CMP_TYPE_INST 33 #define FP_R3_TYPE_INST 34 #define FP_R4_TYPE_INST 35 #define FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST 36 #define J_TYPE_INST 40 #define NOARG_TYPE_INST 42 /* Information on each keyword token that can be read by spim. Must be sorted in alphabetical order. */ OP(".alias", Y_ALIAS_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".align", Y_ALIGN_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".ascii", Y_ASCII_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".asciiz", Y_ASCIIZ_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".asm0", Y_ASM0_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".bgnb", Y_BGNB_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".byte", Y_BYTE_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".comm", Y_COMM_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".data", Y_DATA_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".double", Y_DOUBLE_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".end", Y_END_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".endb", Y_ENDB_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".endr", Y_ENDR_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".ent", Y_ENT_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".err", Y_ERR_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".extern", Y_EXTERN_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".file", Y_FILE_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".float", Y_FLOAT_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".fmask", Y_FMASK_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".frame", Y_FRAME_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".globl", Y_GLOBAL_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".half", Y_HALF_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".kdata", Y_K_DATA_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".ktext", Y_K_TEXT_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".lab", Y_LABEL_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".lcomm", Y_LCOMM_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".livereg", Y_LIVEREG_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".loc", Y_LOC_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".mask", Y_MASK_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".noalias", Y_NOALIAS_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".option", Y_OPTIONS_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".rdata", Y_RDATA_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".repeat", Y_REPEAT_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".sdata", Y_SDATA_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".set", Y_SET_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".space", Y_SPACE_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".struct", Y_STRUCT_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".text", Y_TEXT_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".verstamp",Y_VERSTAMP_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".vreg", Y_VREG_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP(".word", Y_WORD_DIR, ASM_DIR, -1) OP("abs", Y_ABS_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("abs.d", Y_ABS_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200005) OP("abs.ps", Y_ABS_PS_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46600005) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("abs.s", Y_ABS_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000005) OP("add", Y_ADD_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000020) OP("add.d", Y_ADD_D_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46200000) OP("add.ps", Y_ADD_PS_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46600000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("add.s", Y_ADD_S_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46000000) OP("addi", Y_ADDI_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x20000000) OP("addiu", Y_ADDIU_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x24000000) OP("addu", Y_ADDU_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000021) OP("alnv.ps", Y_ALNV_PS_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c00001e) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("and", Y_AND_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000024) OP("andi", Y_ANDI_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x30000000) OP("b", Y_B_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bal", Y_BAL_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bc1f", Y_BC1F_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x45000000) OP("bc1fl", Y_BC1FL_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x45020000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bc1t", Y_BC1T_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x45010000) OP("bc1tl", Y_BC1TL_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x45030000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bc2f", Y_BC2F_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x49000000) OP("bc2fl", Y_BC2FL_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x49020000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bc2t", Y_BC2T_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x49010000) OP("bc2tl", Y_BC2TL_OP, BC_TYPE_INST, 0x49030000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("beq", Y_BEQ_OP, B2_TYPE_INST, 0x10000000) OP("beql", Y_BEQ_OP, B2_TYPE_INST, 0x50000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("beqz", Y_BEQZ_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bge", Y_BGE_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bgeu", Y_BGEU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bgez", Y_BGEZ_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04010000) OP("bgezal", Y_BGEZAL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04110000) OP("bgezall", Y_BGEZALL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04130000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bgezl", Y_BGEZL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04030000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bgt", Y_BGT_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bgtu", Y_BGTU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bgtz", Y_BGTZ_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x1c000000) OP("bgtzl", Y_BGTZL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x5c000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ble", Y_BLE_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bleu", Y_BLEU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("blez", Y_BLEZ_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x18000000) OP("blezl", Y_BLEZL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x58000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("blt", Y_BLT_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bltu", Y_BLTU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("bltz", Y_BLTZ_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04000000) OP("bltzal", Y_BLTZAL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04100000) OP("bltzall", Y_BLTZALL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04120000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bltzl", Y_BLTZL_OP, B1_TYPE_INST, 0x04020000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bne", Y_BNE_OP, B2_TYPE_INST, 0x14000000) OP("bnel", Y_BNEL_OP, B2_TYPE_INST, 0x54000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("bnez", Y_BNEZ_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("break", Y_BREAK_OP, R1d_TYPE_INST, 0x0000000d) OP("c.eq.d", Y_C_EQ_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200032) OP("c.eq.ps", Y_C_EQ_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600032) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.eq.s", Y_C_EQ_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000032) OP("c.f.d", Y_C_F_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200030) OP("c.f.ps", Y_C_F_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600030) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.f.s", Y_C_F_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000030) OP("c.le.d", Y_C_LE_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4620003e) OP("c.le.ps", Y_C_LE_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4660003e) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.le.s", Y_C_LE_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4600003e) OP("c.lt.d", Y_C_LT_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4620003c) OP("c.lt.ps", Y_C_LT_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4660003c) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.lt.s", Y_C_LT_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4600003c) OP("c.nge.d", Y_C_NGE_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4620003d) OP("c.nge.ps", Y_C_NGE_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4660003d) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.nge.s", Y_C_NGE_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4600003d) OP("c.ngl.d", Y_C_NGL_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4620003b) OP("c.ngl.ps", Y_C_NGL_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4660003b) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.ngl.s", Y_C_NGL_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4600003b) OP("c.ngle.d", Y_C_NGLE_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200039) OP("c.ngle.ps",Y_C_NGLE_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600039) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.ngle.s", Y_C_NGLE_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000039) OP("c.ngt.d", Y_C_NGT_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4620003f) OP("c.ngt.ps", Y_C_NGT_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4660003f) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.ngt.s", Y_C_NGT_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4600003f) OP("c.ole.d", Y_C_OLE_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200036) OP("c.ole.ps", Y_C_OLE_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600036) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.ole.s", Y_C_OLE_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000036) OP("c.olt.d", Y_C_OLT_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200034) OP("c.olt.ps", Y_C_OLT_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600034) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.olt.s", Y_C_OLT_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000034) OP("c.seq.d", Y_C_SEQ_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4620003a) OP("c.seq.ps", Y_C_SEQ_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4660003a) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.seq.s", Y_C_SEQ_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x4600003a) OP("c.sf.d", Y_C_SF_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200038) OP("c.sf.ps", Y_C_SF_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600038) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.sf.s", Y_C_SF_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000038) OP("c.ueq.d", Y_C_UEQ_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200033) OP("c.ueq.ps", Y_C_UEQ_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600033) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.ueq.s", Y_C_UEQ_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000033) OP("c.ule.d", Y_C_ULE_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200037) OP("c.ule.ps", Y_C_ULE_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600037) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.ule.s", Y_C_ULE_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000037) OP("c.ult.d", Y_C_ULT_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200035) OP("c.ult.ps", Y_C_ULT_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600035) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.ult.s", Y_C_ULT_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000035) OP("c.un.d", Y_C_UN_D_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46200031) OP("c.un.ps", Y_C_UN_PS_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46600031) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("c.un.s", Y_C_UN_S_OP, FP_CMP_TYPE_INST, 0x46000031) OP("cache", Y_CACHE_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0xbc000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ceil.l.d", Y_CEIL_L_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4620000a) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("ceil.l.s", Y_CEIL_L_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000a) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("ceil.w.d", Y_CEIL_W_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4620000e) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ceil.w.s", Y_CEIL_W_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000e) /* MIPS32 */ OP("cfc0", Y_CFC0_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x40400000) OP("cfc1", Y_CFC1_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x44400000) OP("cfc2", Y_CFC2_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x48400000) OP("clo", Y_CLO_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x70000021) OP("clz", Y_CLZ_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x70000020) OP("cop2", Y_COP2_OP, J_TYPE_INST, 0x4a000000) OP("ctc0", Y_CTC0_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x40c00000) OP("ctc1", Y_CTC1_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x44c00000) OP("ctc2", Y_CTC2_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x48c00000) OP("cvt.d.l", Y_CVT_D_L_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46b00021) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("cvt.d.s", Y_CVT_D_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000021) OP("cvt.d.w", Y_CVT_D_W_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200021) OP("cvt.l.d", Y_CVT_L_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200025) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("cvt.l.s", Y_CVT_L_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000025) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("cvt.ps.s", Y_CVT_PS_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000026) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("cvt.s.d", Y_CVT_S_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200020) OP("cvt.s.l", Y_CVT_S_L_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46b00020) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("cvt.s.pl", Y_CVT_S_PL_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00024) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("cvt.s.pu", Y_CVT_S_PU_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00020) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("cvt.s.w", Y_CVT_S_W_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46800020) OP("cvt.w.d", Y_CVT_W_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200024) OP("cvt.w.s", Y_CVT_W_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000024) OP("deret", Y_DERET_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x4200001f) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("di", Y_DI_OP, I1t_TYPE_INST, 0x41606000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("div", Y_DIV_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x0000001a) OP("div.d", Y_DIV_D_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46200003) OP("div.s", Y_DIV_S_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46000003) OP("divu", Y_DIVU_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x0000001b) OP("ehb", Y_EHB_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x000000c0) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("ei", Y_EI_OP, I1t_TYPE_INST, 0x41606020) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("eret", Y_ERET_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x42000018) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ext", Y_EXT_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x7c000000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("floor.l.d", Y_FLOOR_L_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4620000b) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("floor.l.s", Y_FLOOR_L_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000b) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("floor.w.d", Y_FLOOR_W_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4620000f) /* MIPS32 */ OP("floor.w.s", Y_FLOOR_W_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000f) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ins", Y_INS_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x7c000004) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("j", Y_J_OP, J_TYPE_INST, 0x08000000) OP("jal", Y_JAL_OP, J_TYPE_INST, 0x0c000000) OP("jalr", Y_JALR_OP, R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x00000009) OP("jalr.hb", Y_JALR_HB_OP, R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x00000409) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("jr", Y_JR_OP, R1s_TYPE_INST, 0x00000008) OP("jr.hb", Y_JR_HB_OP, R1s_TYPE_INST, 0x00000408) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("l.d", Y_L_D_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("l.s", Y_L_S_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("la", Y_LA_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("lb", Y_LB_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0x80000000) OP("lbu", Y_LBU_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0x90000000) OP("ld", Y_LD_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("ldc1", Y_LDC1_OP, FP_I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xd4000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ldc2", Y_LDC2_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xd8000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ldxc1", Y_LDXC1_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000001) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("lh", Y_LH_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0x84000000) OP("lhu", Y_LHU_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0x94000000) OP("li", Y_LI_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("li.d", Y_LI_D_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("li.s", Y_LI_S_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("ll", Y_LL_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xc0000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("lui", Y_LUI_OP, I1t_TYPE_INST, 0x3c000000) OP("luxc1", Y_LUXC1_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000005) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("lw", Y_LW_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0x8c000000) OP("lwc1", Y_LWC1_OP, FP_I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xc4000000) OP("lwc2", Y_LWC2_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xc8000000) OP("lwl", Y_LWL_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0x88000000) OP("lwr", Y_LWR_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0x98000000) OP("lwxc1", Y_LWXC1_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("madd", Y_MADD_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x70000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("madd.d", Y_MADD_D_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000001) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("madd.ps", Y_MADD_PS_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000006) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("madd.s", Y_MADD_S_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("maddu", Y_MADDU_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x70000001) /* MIPS32 */ OP("mfc0", Y_MFC0_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x40000000) OP("mfc1", Y_MFC1_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x44000000) OP("mfc1.d", Y_MFC1_D_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("mfc2", Y_MFC2_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x48000000) OP("mfhc1", Y_MFHC1_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x44600000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("mfhc2", Y_MFHC2_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x48600000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("mfhi", Y_MFHI_OP, R1d_TYPE_INST, 0x00000010) OP("mflo", Y_MFLO_OP, R1d_TYPE_INST, 0x00000012) OP("mov.d", Y_MOV_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200006) OP("mov.ps", Y_MOV_PS_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00006) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("mov.s", Y_MOV_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000006) OP("move", Y_MOVE_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("movf", Y_MOVF_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x00000001) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movf.d", Y_MOVF_D_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46200011) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movf.ps", Y_MOVF_PS_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00011) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("movf.s", Y_MOVF_S_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46000011) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movn", Y_MOVN_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x0000000b) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movn.d", Y_MOVN_D_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46200013) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movn.ps", Y_MOVN_PS_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00013) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("movn.s", Y_MOVN_S_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46000013) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movt", Y_MOVT_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x00010001) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movt.d", Y_MOVT_D_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46210011) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movt.ps", Y_MOVT_PS_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46c10011) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("movt.s", Y_MOVT_S_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46010011) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movz", Y_MOVZ_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x0000000a) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movz.d", Y_MOVZ_D_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46200012) /* MIPS32 */ OP("movz.ps", Y_MOVZ_PS_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00012) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("movz.s", Y_MOVZ_S_OP, FP_MOVC_TYPE_INST, 0x46000012) /* MIPS32 */ OP("msub", Y_MSUB_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x70000004) /* MIPS32 */ OP("msub.d", Y_MSUB_D_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000021) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("msub.ps", Y_MSUB_PS_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000026) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("msub.s", Y_MSUB_S_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000020) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("msubu", Y_MSUBU_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x70000005) /* MIPS32 */ OP("mtc0", Y_MTC0_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x40800000) OP("mtc1", Y_MTC1_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x44800000) OP("mtc1.d", Y_MTC1_D_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("mtc2", Y_MTC2_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x48800000) OP("mthc1", Y_MTHC1_OP, FP_R2ts_TYPE_INST, 0x44e00000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("mthc2", Y_MTHC2_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x48e00000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("mthi", Y_MTHI_OP, R1s_TYPE_INST, 0x00000011) OP("mtlo", Y_MTLO_OP, R1s_TYPE_INST, 0x00000013) OP("mul", Y_MUL_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x70000002) /* MIPS32 */ OP("mul.d", Y_MUL_D_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46200002) OP("mul.ps", Y_MUL_PS_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00002) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("mul.s", Y_MUL_S_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46000002) OP("mulo", Y_MULO_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("mulou", Y_MULOU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("mult", Y_MULT_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000018) OP("multu", Y_MULTU_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000019) OP("neg", Y_NEG_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("neg.d", Y_NEG_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200007) OP("neg.ps", Y_NEG_PS_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46c00007) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("neg.s", Y_NEG_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000007) OP("negu", Y_NEGU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("nmadd.d", Y_NMADD_D_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000031) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("nmadd.ps", Y_NMADD_PS_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000036) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("nmadd.s", Y_NMADD_S_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000030) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("nmsub.d", Y_NMSUB_D_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000039) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("nmsub.ps", Y_NMSUB_PS_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c00003e) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("nmsub.s", Y_NMSUB_S_OP, FP_R4_TYPE_INST, 0x4c000038) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("nop", Y_NOP_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("nor", Y_NOR_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000027) OP("not", Y_NOT_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("or", Y_OR_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000025) OP("ori", Y_ORI_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x34000000) OP("pll.ps", Y_PLL_PS_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46c0002c) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("plu.ps", Y_PLU_PS_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46c0002d) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("pref", Y_PREF_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0xcc000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("prefx", Y_PREFX_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000f) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("pul.ps", Y_PUL_PS_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46c0002e) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("puu.ps", Y_PUU_PS_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46c0002f) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("rdhwr", Y_RDHWR_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x7c00003b) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("rdpgpr", Y_RDPGPR_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x41400000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("recip.d", Y_RECIP_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200015) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("recip.s", Y_RECIP_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000015) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("rem", Y_REM_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("remu", Y_REMU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("rfe", Y_RFE_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x42000010) OP("rol", Y_ROL_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("ror", Y_ROR_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("rotr", Y_ROTR_OP, R2sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00200002) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("rotrv", Y_ROTRV_OP, R2sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00200003) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("round.l.d", Y_ROUND_L_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200008) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("round.l.s", Y_ROUND_L_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000008) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("round.w.d", Y_ROUND_W_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4620000c) /* MIPS32 */ OP("round.w.s", Y_ROUND_W_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000c) /* MIPS32 */ OP("rsqrt.d", Y_RSQRT_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200016) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("rsqrt.s", Y_RSQRT_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000016) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("s.d", Y_S_D_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("s.s", Y_S_S_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sb", Y_SB_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xa0000000) OP("sc", Y_SC_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xe0000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("sd", Y_SD_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sdbbp", Y_SDBBP_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x7000003f) /* MIPS32 Rev 2*/ OP("sdc1", Y_SDC1_OP, FP_I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xf4000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("sdc2", Y_SDC2_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xf8000000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("sdxc1", Y_SDXC1_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46000009) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("seb", Y_SEB_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x7c000420) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("seh", Y_SEH_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x7c000620) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("seq", Y_SEQ_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sge", Y_SGE_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sgeu", Y_SGEU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sgt", Y_SGT_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sgtu", Y_SGTU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sh", Y_SH_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xa4000000) OP("sle", Y_SLE_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sleu", Y_SLEU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sll", Y_SLL_OP, R2sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00000000) OP("sllv", Y_SLLV_OP, R3sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00000004) OP("slt", Y_SLT_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x0000002a) OP("slti", Y_SLTI_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x28000000) OP("sltiu", Y_SLTIU_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x2c000000) OP("sltu", Y_SLTU_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x0000002b) OP("sne", Y_SNE_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("sqrt.d", Y_SQRT_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200004) /* MIPS32 */ OP("sqrt.s", Y_SQRT_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000004) /* MIPS32 */ OP("sra", Y_SRA_OP, R2sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00000003) OP("srav", Y_SRAV_OP, R3sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00000007) OP("srl", Y_SRL_OP, R2sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00000002) OP("srlv", Y_SRLV_OP, R3sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00000006) OP("ssnop", Y_SSNOP_OP, R2sh_TYPE_INST, 0x00000040) /* MIPS32 */ OP("sub", Y_SUB_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000022) OP("sub.d", Y_SUB_D_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46200001) OP("sub.ps", Y_SUB_PS_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46600001) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("sub.s", Y_SUB_S_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46000001) OP("subu", Y_SUBU_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000023) OP("suxc1", Y_SUXC1_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000d) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("sw", Y_SW_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xac000000) OP("swc1", Y_SWC1_OP, FP_I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xe4000000) OP("swc2", Y_SWC2_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xe8000000) OP("swl", Y_SWL_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xa8000000) OP("swr", Y_SWR_OP, I2a_TYPE_INST, 0xb8000000) OP("swxc1", Y_SWXC1_OP, FP_R3_TYPE_INST, 0x46000008) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("sync", Y_SYNC_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x0000000f) /* MIPS32 */ OP("synci", Y_SYNCI_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x04140000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("syscall", Y_SYSCALL_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x0000000c) OP("teq", Y_TEQ_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000034) /* MIPS32 */ OP("teqi", Y_TEQI_OP, I1s_TYPE_INST, 0x040c0000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tge", Y_TGE_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000030) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tgei", Y_TGEI_OP, I1s_TYPE_INST, 0x04080000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tgeiu", Y_TGEIU_OP, I1s_TYPE_INST, 0x04090000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tgeu", Y_TGEU_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000031) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tlbp", Y_TLBP_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x42000008) OP("tlbr", Y_TLBR_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x42000001) OP("tlbwi", Y_TLBWI_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x42000002) OP("tlbwr", Y_TLBWR_OP, NOARG_TYPE_INST, 0x42000006) OP("tlt", Y_TLT_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000032) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tlti", Y_TLTI_OP, I1s_TYPE_INST, 0x040a0000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tltiu", Y_TLTIU_OP, I1s_TYPE_INST, 0x040b0000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tltu", Y_TLTU_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000033) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tne", Y_TNE_OP, R2st_TYPE_INST, 0x00000036) /* MIPS32 */ OP("tnei", Y_TNEI_OP, I1s_TYPE_INST, 0x040e0000) /* MIPS32 */ OP("trunc.l.d", Y_TRUNC_L_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46200009) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("trunc.l.s", Y_TRUNC_L_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x46000009) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("trunc.w.d", Y_TRUNC_W_D_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4620000d) /* MIPS32 */ OP("trunc.w.s", Y_TRUNC_W_S_OP, FP_R2ds_TYPE_INST, 0x4600000d) /* MIPS32 */ OP("ulh", Y_ULH_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("ulhu", Y_ULHU_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("ulw", Y_ULW_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("ush", Y_USH_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("usw", Y_USW_POP, PSEUDO_OP, -1) OP("wrpgpr", Y_WRPGPR_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x41c00000) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("wsbh", Y_WSBH_OP, R2td_TYPE_INST, 0x7c0000a0) /* MIPS32 Rev 2 */ OP("xor", Y_XOR_OP, R3_TYPE_INST, 0x00000026) OP("xori", Y_XORI_OP, I2_TYPE_INST, 0x38000000)