Here's a trivial Perl script to test a directory for its adherence to Benford's Law:


Just do "perl benford-check.perl" to test the current directory, or "perl benford-check.perl DIRNAME" to test another directory.

It doesn't cross any mount points.

Here are the results of running this on the root partition of a Linux Mint 16 machine:

% perl bin/benford-check.perl /
Device number is 2065
Starts with
  1 --> 74328 times (32.46)
  2 --> 44696 times (19.52)
  3 --> 28772 times (12.57)
  4 --> 19124 times ( 8.35)
  5 --> 14518 times ( 6.34)
  6 --> 12392 times ( 5.41)
  7 --> 10512 times ( 4.59)
  8 --> 9406 times ( 4.11)
  9 --> 9184 times ( 4.01)