COP4342 Final Study Guide ========================= Broad topics Unix kernels: what they provide, how they work, system calls The typical Unix/Linux environment: dynamic libraries, static linking Filesystem: inodes, directories, soft links, hard links Shells in general Magic number as applied shell scripts path ideas use of env Bash shell Comment syntax Magic number as applied to Bash scripts: path ideas use of env -x option Process substitution Command substitution Globbing Conditionals with if Implicit conditionals using && and || Bash versus C differences Local and environmental variables Explicit declaration via declare Variable assignment basics in Bash Strings and their characteristics Quoting conventions Interpolation, including backslash and dollar sign sigil Redirection and piping Programs that are very useful for structured Bash: /usr/bin/test and /usr/bin/[ /bin/true and /bin/false egrep/grep/fgrep cat Structured Bash Parameters as invocation arguments in the outermost scope Alternation Short versions using && and || if then else elif fi case / esac Iteration for NAME in LIST for ((START;CONTINUE_TEST;NEXTITERATIONVALUE)) while CONDITION Arithmetic in Bash Classic expr $(()) arithmetic Make