/* reset() advance() try_match() must_match() Both of these maintain a "current_token". exposes also char *current_token; // a dynamically allocated version of the current token char *next_token; int current_token_first_char // the character number (respects UTF-8) in the buffer int line_number[]; // line number indexed by character number int char_number[]; // character number in line indexed by character number char *line_position[]; // where each line starts in memory; indexed by line number */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LEXER_TRUE #include "lexer-v2-1.h" // make an initial pass, collect position of all lines and every character int total_line_count = 0; // cache the total number of lines char **line_position; // for each line, where does it start in memory (index is line number) int *line_number; // for each character, what line does it appear in (index is offset from beginning) int *char_number; // for each character, what character in line does it appear in (index is offset from beginning) // exported char *current_token = NULL; char *next_token = NULL; int current_token_first_char; int next_token_first_char; static unsigned char *first_char = NULL; static unsigned char *current_char = NULL; static unsigned char *last_char = NULL; // declarations char *consume(void); bool countable_character(char x); // UTILITY /* * * memorymap_file() * * * */ void memorymap_file(char *file, char **start, char **lastchar) { struct stat stat_buff; int ret = stat(file,&stat_buff); if(ret == -1) { fail("Error: stat(2) failed for file '%s'\n",file); } size_t file_size = (size_t) stat_buff.st_size; int fd = open(file,O_RDONLY); if(fd == -1) { fail("Error: open(2) failed for file %s\n",file); } *start = mmap(NULL, // Any location in memory is fine file_size, // Length of the file PROT_READ, // Let us read the file MAP_PRIVATE, // We don't need to share this fd, // Our file descriptor 0); // Start at the beginning *lastchar = *start + file_size; close(fd); // Apparently this is fine; look at man mmap(2) return; } void map_lines_chars(char *mmap_first_char, char *mmap_last_char); // CODE void lexer_reset(char *file) { if(first_char != NULL) { munmap(first_char,last_char-first_char); } char *mmap_first_char; char *mmap_last_char; memorymap_file(file,&mmap_first_char,&mmap_last_char); map_lines_chars(mmap_first_char,mmap_last_char); first_char = (unsigned char *)mmap_first_char; current_char = (unsigned char *)mmap_first_char; last_char = (unsigned char *)mmap_last_char; current_token = consume(); current_token_first_char = next_token_first_char; next_token = consume(); } void must_match(char *wanted) { if(!try_match(wanted)) { fail("lexer --- match for tag '%s' failed, current_token is '%s'",wanted,current_token); } advance(); } int regex_test(char *wanted, char *token) { regex_t regex_wanted; // add boundaries to the "wanted" regular express to make sure // that we are not doing a substring match int length = strlen(wanted); char *bounded = (char *)malloc(length+3); strcpy(bounded+1,wanted); bounded[0] = '^'; bounded[length+1] = '$'; bounded[length+2] = '\0'; int ret = regcomp(®ex_wanted,bounded,REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB|REG_NEWLINE); if(ret != 0) { fail("lexer try_match(): Did not compile regex '%s'!\n",wanted); } if(regexec(®ex_wanted,token,0,NULL,0) == 0) { ret = 1; } else { ret = 0; } regfree(®ex_wanted); free(bounded); return(ret); } int try_lookahead(char *wanted) { if(current_token == NULL) { return(0); } if(next_token == NULL) { return(0); } return(regex_test(wanted,next_token)); } int try_match(char *wanted) { if(current_token == NULL) { return(0); } return(regex_test(wanted,current_token)); } void advance() { if(current_token) free(current_token); current_token = next_token; current_token_first_char = next_token_first_char; next_token = consume(); } typedef enum {Looking, Midst} lexer_state; char *consume(void) { unsigned char *start = current_char; // tentatively next_token_first_char = (int) (current_char - first_char); lexer_state state = Looking; while(current_char < last_char) { // okay, let's try to deal with the Unicode issue // the problem is that I really would like to be able // to use 【】 and ※ as lexically significant characters // while I am able to *include* them in any // lexical token, recognizing these *at* this level as // lexically significant is entirely different; this // of the code is built around type 'char'... switch(*current_char) { // white space rules case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': current_char++; // if we find whitespace while in Midst state, we are done looking if(state == Midst) { return(strndup((const char *)start,(size_t)(current_char-start-1))); } break; // These single characters do not have to be space-delimited in order to // be picked up as lexically significant case 0xe3: // looking for a 【 or 】, e38090 or e38091 if(current_char < last_char - 2) { if(*(current_char+1) == 0x80 && *(current_char+2) == 0x90) { current_char+=3; return(strdup("【")); } if(*(current_char+1) == 0x80 && *(current_char+2) == 0x91) { current_char+=3; return(strdup("】")); } } state = Midst; break; case ')': case '(': case '{': case '}': case ',': case ';': if(state == Looking) { next_token_first_char = (int)(current_char - first_char); current_char++; return(strndup((const char *)current_char-1,1)); } else { return(strndup((const char *)start,(size_t)(current_char-start))); } break; // An interesting case: I would like to use := for assignment, and : for // for types. In either case, it's lexically significant. case ':': if(state == Looking) { // try to peek ahead if(current_char < last_char) { if(*(current_char+1) == '=') { current_char+=2; return(strdup(":=")); } } current_char++; return(strdup(":")); } else { return(strndup((const char *)start,(size_t)(current_char-start))); } break; // Check for comments case 0xe2: // looking for a Japanese comment marker '※'s if(current_char < last_char - 3) { if(*(current_char+1) == 0x80 && *(current_char+2) == 0xbb) { current_char+=3; while( *current_char != '\n' ) { current_char++; } current_char++; } else { state = Midst; current_char++; } } break; /* case '/': if(current_char < last_char) { if(*(current_char+1) == '*') { // starting a delimited comment current_char+=2; while( (*current_char != '*') || (*(current_char+1) != '/') ) { current_char++; } current_char+=2; } else if(*(current_char+1) == '/') { // starting an to-end-of-line comment current_char+=2; while( (*current_char != '\n') ) { current_char++; } current_char++; } else { state = Midst; current_char++; // ?? } } break; */ // Check for strings, which are an interesting case. We will allow \" as an escape. // No ideas yet about other escapes. case '"': if(state == Midst) { fail("lexer: quote mark indicating a new string found while in the middle of something else!"); } start = current_char; next_token_first_char = (int) (current_char - first_char); current_char++; while( (*current_char != '"') || (*(current_char-1) == '\\') ) { current_char++; } current_char++; return(strndup((const char *)start,(size_t)(current_char-start))); break; default: if(state == Looking) { start = current_char; next_token_first_char = (int) (current_char - first_char); state = Midst; } current_char++; break; } } // end of input return(NULL); } void map_lines_chars(char *mmap_first_char, char *mmap_last_char) { size_t count = mmap_last_char - mmap_first_char; line_position = calloc(sizeof(char *),count); line_number = calloc(sizeof(int),count); char_number = calloc(sizeof(int),count); total_line_count = 1; int internal_char_count = 0; line_position[0] = 0; char *at = mmap_first_char; while(at < mmap_last_char) { if(*at == '\n') { total_line_count++; internal_char_count = 0; if(at+1 < mmap_last_char) line_position[total_line_count] = at+1; else line_position[total_line_count] = NULL; } else { // if we are in the middle of a utf-8 character, don't increment the character counts if( countable_character(*at) ) { internal_char_count++; } line_number[(int)(at - mmap_first_char)] = total_line_count; char_number[(int)(at - mmap_first_char)] = internal_char_count; } at++; } } // tests whether this is a "countable" (non-UTF-8-interior character) bool countable_character(char x) { if( (x & 0xC0) == 0x80 ) { return(true); // if exactly the high bit is set and the next is not } if( (x & 0x80) == 0x00 ) { return(true); // if neither is set } return(false); } void display_line(int line_number) { if(line_number < total_line_count) { printf("%.*s", (int)(line_position[line_number+1] - line_position[line_number]), line_position[line_number]); } else printf("%s\n",line_position[line_number]); } void display_cursor(int char_number) { int i; for(i=0;i