#!/bin/bash # # # NAME: [PLEASE REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR NAME] src_file="words.txt" regex1='' regex2='' regex3='' regex4='' regex5='' # # DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE # echo 'These are the five letter palindromes:' egrep $regex1 $src_file echo ' ' echo 'These are the six letter palindromes:' egrep $regex2 $src_file echo ' ' echo 'These are the seven letter palindromes:' egrep $regex3 $src_file echo ' ' echo 'These are the words that contain at least two instances of the same doubled characters (such as willfully (contains ll twice) and riffraff (contains ff twice)):' egrep $regex4 $src_file echo ' ' echo 'These are the words that contain at least three instances of doubled characters (such as bookkeeper (oo, kk, and ee) and keenness (ee, nn, and ss):' egrep $regex5 $src_file