CNT5605 - 2009 Fall
Group Assignment 5
Printed Journals Due Tuesday, October 12, at the beginning of class.

Assignment: DNS Caching

Objectives: (1) Install three different DNS systems, MaraDNS, BIND, and djbdns. MaraDNS should be set up on your A server. BIND on your B server. djbdns should be installed on server C. (2) Configure each as caching nameservers that also look at local servers for local information.


MaraDNS: Please install version 1.4.05 maradns. You should be able to retrieve it from here. (Please don't install deadwood, but you can use the same configuration instructions.)

BIND: BIND is in repositories for CentOS, so it's easy to install. (Also, remember that you have webmin — on server B could it be of some aid?)

djbdns: The easiest way to install djbdns is to download the source code and install from source. (The ever-shifting sands of technology have engendered at least one problem with the default instructions, and you will have to search for a solution to that conundrum.) Once you have installed djbdns, you will also have to setup dnscache to have local caching. The following webpages should get you started:

Configuration for local information

It's quite common for clients to be inside of an environment with its own separate DNS setup, and indeed, that's the case here in Computer Science. Our two nameservers at and provide local information that is different than what is presented outside the department.

You will need to configure maradns, BIND, and dnscache to look at our local nameservers for local information. For maradns, the information here should be of some service, although it says deadwood. For dnscache, look at this page.

(Hint: Don't forget to change /etc/resolv.conf to reflect your new cachers on

A journal is due for this assignment. Make sure that you document in your journal all of the steps that you went through, following the guidelines on the class home page. Please share the workload so that all team members get experience with all aspects of the work. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO PUT YOUR TEAM NUMBER ON THE ASSIGNMENT. Please turn in a printed copy of this assignment at the beginning of class on Wednesday, September 30th.