CNT5605 - 2009 Fall
Group Assignment 6
Journals Due Monday, November 30 Wednesday, December 2, at the beginning of class.

Assignment: Adding more packages, more capabilities

On to more capabilities...

(N.B.: The following installations can be done from yum; I don't recommend that you use a source installation for any of them since it's not necessary — none of them are particularly balky to install from source, but there are some details that can vary a bit from the Redhat configuration.)

Install postfix on your physical CentOS server, and configure it to receive mail for the domain where "N" is the number of your team. Configure your name servers to have both an MX record and an A record for this machine as "", and make sure that your virtual CentOS server is getting the correct address from your Fedora name server (this should happen automatically, but please verify that it did happen.) Your email test cases should include mailing from your virtual CentOS machine, your physical Fedora machine, and your physical CentOS machine.

Then install dovecot on your mail machine (i.e., your physical CentOS server), and configure it to talk with clients anywhere both with pop and with imap. Test it with telnet localhost 110, telnet localhost 143, and telnet 110. Create a test user on the mail machine called "testuser" with a password "testuserpw", but you should limit that user id's login to only come from the local machine (i.e., you can configure this username not to work via ssh.)

Finally, install squirrelmail on your virtual CentOS machine and on mail and configure them both to talk to the dovecot server on the physical CentOS machine.

We will test in class the ability to receive email and to read email for the "testuser" account on the virtual CentOS machine live in class.

A journal is due for this assignment. Make sure that you document in your journal all of the steps that you went through, following the guidelines on the class home page. Please share the workload so that all team members get experience with all aspects of the work. Do not forget to assign your work percentages to yourself and your other teammates in your journal. Please turn in a printed copy of this assignment at the beginning of class on Monday, November 30 Wednesday, December 2.