CNT5605 - 2009 Fall
Group Assignment 3
Printed Journals Due Wednesday, September 23, at the beginning of class.

Assignment: More virtual machines, new software installations

Objectives: (1) Increase your number of virtual machines by two, and (2) install Wireshark on all of your virtual and real machines.
Using VirtualBox on your Fedora machine, install FreeBSD and OpenSolaris as virtual machines. You may (or may not) have to give some special options to get FreeBSD to boot, but OpenSolaris should be a very simple install.

Wireshark: Fedora and CentOS

Once you have done that, installing Wireshark can be done from the Fedora and CentOS repositories and should be painless.

Wireshark: OpenSolaris

OpenSolaris doesn't yet have Wireshark in its repository, and your installation should be done from the source code available at

To do the OpenSolaris installation, you will need to make sure that you have a complete gcc build environment before starting.

Once you have installed those tools (particularly gcc-devel) and untar the source code, you will need to do a classic "./configure ; make ; make install".

However, there are two "gotchas" to watch out for: you should try to suppress TLS support when you configure, and you likely will have to expand your swap space on the Fedora 11 host. (Please answer in your writeup why you might want to expand swap on your Fedora 11 host machine.)

Both of these can be easily done; while the LAH book does not have a good discussion of the process of swapping on a file inside of a filesystem, you can do a man on "dd", "mkswap", and "swapon" on your Fedora machine and the outline should be clear — for your purposes, you should be using a file for swap, and not a new partition.

Suppressing TLS in your OpenSolaris Wireshark installation will mean doing some research (hint: Google is your friend).

Wireshark: FreeBSD

While there are a variety of ways to install Wireshark on FreeBSD, the simplest is probably to use pkg_add -r wireshark. (Please remember that under csh, the default BSD shell, that you have to do an explicit rehash to find new binaries after they have been added.)

Wireshark: Using it

Once you have Wireshark running in all four environments, run it and watch the traffic. In your writeup, please include some analysis of what you are seeing and try to formulate some explanations as to the differences. To generate network traffic, you can use programs such as netcat (see "man nc"), ping, and wget.

(For extra credit, you can install a traffic generator if you like (for instance, D-ITG) to help your study — if you do try to install something along these lines, try to allot a good bit of time for this assignment since it becomes significantly more difficult.)

A journal is due for this assignment. Make sure that you document in your journal all of the steps that you went through, following the guidelines on the class home page. Please share the workload so that all team members get experience with all aspects of the work. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO PUT YOUR TEAM NUMBER ON THE ASSIGNMENT. Please turn in a printed copy of this assignment at the beginning of class on Wednesday, September 23.