FSU Seal - 1851     COT 4401 Spring 2018
Top 10 Algorithms
Chris Lacher
Project Topic Suggestions
  1. Kevin Bacon Give a polished app that plays the KB game on an Android device
  2. A* Algorithm in Games
  3. Variations on Quicksort
  4. Applications of FFT in modern life
  5. The Singular Value Decomposition (start here)
  6. Google Storage Technology (start here)
  7. Linear Programming (start here)
  8. Genetic Algorithms (start here)
  9. Neural Networks: Backpropagation Learning
  10. Neural Networks: Associative Memory
  11. AVL Trees
  12. Splay Trees
  13. Huffman Coding
  14. Facial Emotion Readers such as Affdex by Affectiva
  15. Google Compute Engine: A general purpose cloud-based computing facility
  16. Hadoop framework
  17. Opportunities for research using FB data - be sure to mention Cambridge Analytics
  18. Opportunities for research using Google data
  19. Random Graphs and the "giant component" phase transition
  20. Dataclysm: What can be learned from online dating sites?