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10. Smart Pointers

1: Smart Pointers 2: Typical Smart Pointer Class 3: Value Semantics and Ownership 4: Recursive Member Access Operator 5: Smart Pointer Storage 6: Smart Pointer Member Functions 7: The Address-of Operator 8: Ownership-Handling Strategy: Deep Copy 9: Copy on Write 10: Ownership-Handling Strategy: Reference Counting 11: Ownership-Handling Strategy: Reference Linking 12: Ownership-Handling Strategy: Destructive Copy 13: Implicit Conversion to Raw Pointer Type 14: Equality and Inequality 15: Order Comparisons 16: Checking and Error Reporting 17: Const 18: Arrays 19: Multithreading at the Pointee Object Level 20: Multithreading at the Bookkeeping Data Level 21: Summary 22: Storage Policy 23: Ownership Policy 24: Conversion Policy 25: Checking Policy 26: SmartPtr
    Copyright notice: The source documents, rendered pages, and content in this course are proprietary and may not be copied without express written permission of the author. (C) 2012 R.C. Lacher, Florida State University.

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