Project 3: Comparision Sort Optimization

Version 10/10/17

Educational Objectives: On successful completion of this assignment, the student should be able to

Operational Objectives: Implement various comparison sorts as generic algorithms, with the minimal practical constraints on iterator types. Each generic comparison sort should be provided in two froms: (1) default order and (2) order supplied by a predicate class template parameter.

The sorts to be developed and tested are selection sort, insertion sort, heap sort (in several variations), merge sort (both top-down and bottom-up), quick sort (in several variations), and heap sort.

Develop optimized versions of MergeSort and QuickSort, also as generic algorithms, using the "recursion diversion".

Background Knowledge Required: Be sure that you have mastered the material in these chapters before beginning the project: Sequential Containers, Function Classes and Objects, Iterators, Generic Algorithms, Generic Set Algorithms, Sorting Algorithms, Heap Algorithms, and Advanced Heap Algorithms

Deliverables: Four files*:

gheap_advanced.h   # all fsu:: and alt:: heap algorithms, including both versions of heap sort
gsort.h            # all other comparison sorts, including optimized quick and merge sorts
makefile           # builds all tests & apps
log.txt            # work log with appended test data

*gheap_advanced.h was a deliverable in the previous assignment. It is included here for completeness of analytical results. Note also that a makefile is supplied and is suitable for submission.

Procedural Requirements

  1. The official development/testing/assessment environment is specified in the Course Organizer. Code should compile without warnings or errors.

  2. In order not to confuse the submit system, create and work within a separate subdirectory cop4531/proj3.

  3. Maintain your work log in the text file log.txt as both a way to document effort and as a development history. The log should also be used to report on any relevant issues encountered during project development. A report on experimental results of optimizations should be appended to this log.

  4. Begin by copying the entire contents of the directory LIB/proj3 into your cop4531/proj3/ directory. At this point you should see these files in your directory:

    lsort.cpp     # client of List::Sort
    hsort.cpp     # client of g_heap_sort
    msort.cpp     # client of g_merge_sort_opt
    msortbu.cpp   # client of g_merge_sort_bu
    qsort.cpp     # client of g_quick_sort_opt
    qsort3w.cpp   # client of g_quick_sort_3w_opt
    ranstring.cpp # generates file of random strings
    ranuint.cpp   # generates file of random unsigned ints
    fgsort.cpp    # functionality test for generic sorts
    fnsort.cpp    # functionality test for numeric sorts
    ggsort.cpp    # functionality test for generic sorts, includes randomized quick sort
    sortspy.cpp   # produces comp_count and timing data for sorts
    gsort_stub.h  # start file
    makefile      # supplied - no need to create a new one

    Note that the individual sort clients can be configured for either string or integer data. You could easily add another element type, such as char.

    You should also be aware of these executables, which are handy for testing your executables against benchmarks:


  5. Develop and fully test all of the sort algorithms listed under requirements below. Make certain that your testing includes "boundary" cases, such as empty ranges, ranges that have the same element at each location, and ranges that are in correct or reverse order before sorting.

  6. Develop and fully test optimized versions of MergeSort and QuickSort, testing with the same procedures used for the initial tests.

  7. Recall that the generic binary heap algorithms for both namespace fsu and alt are in the file gheap_advanced.h, a deliverable in the previous project. Copy that file into the current project directory.

  8. Place all of the other generic sort algorithms in the file gsort.h. Note this file will use only the fsu::namespace and contain several versions of quick sort and merge sort.

  9. Your test data files should have descriptive names so that their content can be inferred from the name.

  10. Be sure that you have established the submit script LIB/scripts/ as a command in your ~/.bin directory.

    Warning: Submit scripts do not work on the program and linprog servers. Use or to submit projects. If you do not receive the second confirmation with the contents of your project, there has been a malfunction.

Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms

MergeSort [top-down version] is a prototypical divide-and-conquer algorithm, dividing a problem (in this case, a sorting problem) into two problems that are 1/2 as big and constructing a solution from solutions of the sub-problems. The two sub-problems are solved by recursive calls.

This divide-and-conquer technique is very powerful, resulting in both simple implementing code and a natural way to reason about the algorithm with mathematical induction.

The various recursive calls form a binary tree. For example, consider the MergeSort algorithm operating on the array

[50 30 70 95 10 50 20 60 30 40 50 70 60 90 80 20]

The first two recursive calls are MergeSort(0,8) and MergeSort(9,15). Each of these in turn makes two recursive calls to the algorithm on smaller arrays, and so on, until the array size is one, the base case of the recursion. The call tree looks like the "tree" on the right below:

call stack                                         call tree (active portion in red)
==========                                         =================================
g_merge_sort(0,16)                         [50 30 70 95 10 50 20 60 30 40 50 70 60 90 80 20]

g_merge_sort(0,8)                   [50 30 70 95 10 50 20 60]                 [30 40 50 70 60 90 80 20]

g_merge_sort(4,8)              [30 50 70 95]        [10 50 20 60]        [30 40 50 70]        [60 90 80 20]

g_merge_sort(4,6)           [30 50]    [70 95]   [10 50]    [20 60]   [30 40]    [50 70]   [60 90]    [80 20]

                           [30] [50]  [70] [95] [10] [50]  [20] [60] [30] [40]  [50] [70] [60] [90]  [80] [20]

A specific state of the call stack is illustrated by the calls on the left and the red portion of the tree on the right. The dynamic trace of the algorithm running on the input array follows a left-to-right DFS path in the call tree (actually a postorder traversal of the tree). The call stack contains the path from root to current location, exactly like the stack used to implement a post-order binary tree iterator. For example, when the recursive call MergeSort(4,6) is made, the call stack contains the path shown in red. The snapshot is taken after the call g_merge_sort(0,4) has returned, which is why the sub-arrays are already sorted in that portion of the tree.

Using the binary tree model of the recursive calls, as above, we can see that there are many calls made near the bottom of the tree where the array sizes are small. (In fact, 1/2 of the calls are made at the leaves of the tree!) If we can stop the recursion process several layers up from the leaf layer, we can eliminate a huge number of these calls.

An optimization that is useful whenever there is a non-recursive solution to the problem that runs quickly on very small input is to terminate the recursion at small input size and apply a non-recursive alternative instead, thus eliminating many recursive calls on small input sizes. For recursive divide-and-conquer sort algorithms such as MergeSort and QuickSort, using this idea to cut off the recursion and apply InsertionSort on small size input can measurably improve performance. InsertionSort is a good choice because it is simple and also is efficient on ranges that are completely or partially sorted. On the other hand, InsertionSort has worst-case runtime Ω(n2), so we certainly do not want to run it on large ranges. The "cutoff" size is typically optimal somewhere between 4 and 16.

Improving Performance of MergeSort

In addition to (1) applying the "cutoff" to InsertSort for small range sizes, MergeSort can be improved by (2) eliminating the merge operation when the two ranges are already in order, and (3) handling memory more efficiently.

Re (2): Notice that when the two recursive calls to sort subranges return, if the largest element in the left subrange is no larger than the smallest element in the right subrange, the entire range is already sorted without a call to the merge operation. This condition is easily detected by comparing the two elements in question, and the resulting non-call to the merge operation saves on the order of end - beg comparisons.

Re (3): It is difficult (and costly) to eliminate the need for extra space - required as the temporary destination/target for the merge operation. But as stated in its pure form, this destination memory is stack-allocated whenever the call to the merge operation is made, making the subsequent copy of data back into the original range unavoidable. Both the stack allocation and the subsequent data copy can be eliminated, resulting in a more efficient and faster implementation of the algorithm.

The stack allocation of data memory is eliminated by declaring space statically in the MergeSort body directly, and using that space as a target for the data merge operation. The subsequent data copy is eliminated by applying the next algorithm call to the data space and merging back into the original range. Thus the calls to merge alternate targets - on odd calls merging from the original range into the data store and on even calls merging from the data store back to the original range. At the end of the algorithm, if the total number of merges is odd, then a one-time data copy is made to get the sorted data back into its original location. A change in the organization of the code will be necessary.

This last idea to avoid most of the data copy calls is a tricky optimization to implement, and extra credit will be awarded for successfully accomplishing this improvement to MergeSort.

Improving Performance of QuickSort

In addition to applying the "cutoff" to InsertSort for small range sizes, QuickSort can be improved in two ways. The first is to avoid the Ω(n2) worst case runtime by eliminating the case of pre-sorted input: either randomize the input range in advance, or use a random selector for the pivot index during the run of the algorithm. The third improvement is really a change of the basic algorithm to "3-way QuickSort" (but keeping the concept).

Three-way QuickSort

As we know, pre-sorted data, where there is no actual change required for the data, produces the worst case runtime for QuickSort. A related situation occurs with data that contains many duplicate entries: the vanilla QuickSort algorithm will sometimes require one recursive call for each one of the repeated values. An elegant improvement for the algorithm to handle the case of redundant keys uses the idea of 3-way partitioning, wherein all of the elements that are equal to the partition value are moved to a contiguous portion of the range, after which the entire portion may be omitted from further consideration:

Before partitioning: [50 30 70 95 10 50 20 60 30 40 50 70 60 90 80 20]
                      parition element
 After partitioning: [30 10 20 30 20 30 40 20 50 50 50 70 95 70 90 80]
                                              partition value range [8,11)

 3 ranges:           [30 10 20 30 20 30 40 20 50 50 50 70 95 70 90 80]

 Only the two red ranges need to be sorted:
 Recursive calls:    QuickSort (0,8); QuickSort (11,15);

At this point, because the result is a range of indices, it is more convenient to subsume the partitioning code into the main algorithm. For an array, the code would look like this, with the 3-way partitioning code realized "in-line" as the while loop:

void g_quick_sort_3w (T* beg, T* end)
  T* low = beg;
  T* hih = end;
  T v = *beg;
  T* i = beg;
  while (i != hih)             // in-line partioning code sets range [low,hih) of pivot value
    if (*i < v) Swap(*low++, *i++);
    else if (*i > v) Swap(*i, *--hih);
    else ++i;
  g_quick_sort_3w(beg, low);
  g_quick_sort_3w(hih, end); 

This very sleek code by Robert Sedgewick implements an algorithm put forward by Edger Dijkstra and dates back to near the time Quicksort itself was discivered by C.A.R. Hoare. The while loop takes one of 3 actions for each i:

Note that in all three cases, the distance between i and hih is made smaller, so the loop terminates after n = end - beg iterations. On termination of the while loop, the range [low,hih) consists entirely of elements equal to v, all elements with index < low have value less than v, and all elements with index >= hih have value greater than v. Thus the range [low,hih) is constant and we need only sort the range [beg,low) to its left and the range [hih,end) to its right.

An extraordinary theory has built up around 3-way quick sort that shows that it's average case runtime is optimal even on non-random data, and this runtime can be asymptotically faster that O(n log n), thus making randomized 3-way quick sort asymptocitally faster than heap sort for some kinds of data. While this sounds at first impossible in light of the theoretical lower bound Ω(n log n) for comparison sort runtime, remember that the theory is based on the assumption of random input data. We will just state here the result:

Proposition. Quicksort_3w uses ~Cnh compares to sort n items, where h is the Shannon entropy of the data. Here:

C = (2 lg 2)
h = -(p1 lg p1 + p2 lg p2 + ... +pk lg pk)
lg = log2
k is the number of distinct keys
fi is the number of occurrences of key i
pi = fi/n [probability of occurence]

Note that when the keys are all distinct then h = -(p1 lg p1 + p2 lg p2 + ... +pk lg pk) = - Σ(1/n - lg 1/n) = - n (1/n) lg 1/n = - lg 1/n = lg n, which agrees with the theory, but h will grow much more slowly when k is small compared to n. Except for the constant C this estimate of the runtime of quick_sort_3w is known to be optimal when the entropy of the data to be sorted is taken into account. (There is much more to this story.)

Code Requirements and Specifications

  1. The following is a list of the generic algorithms that should be implemented in gsort.h:

    fsu::g_selection_sort    # version in class notes
    fsu::g_insertion_sort    # already implemented in gsort_stub.h
    fsu::g_merge_sort        # the pure top-down version from the class notes
    fsu::g_merge_sort_bu     # the bottom-up version from the class notes
    fsu::g_merge_sort_opt    # the top-down version with "cutoff" and conditional calls to merge
    fsu::g_quick_sort        # the pure version from the class notes and Cormen
    fsu::g_quick_sort_opt    # the same as above, with "cutoff" for small ranges
    fsu::g_quick_sort_3w     # 3-way QuickSort
    fsu::g_quick_sort_3w_opt # 3-way QuickSort, with "cutoff" for small ranges

    The following is a list of the generic algorithms that should be implemented in gheap_advanced.h:

    fsu::g_push_heap         # standard O(log n) algorithm
    fsu::g_pop_heap          # standard O(log n) algorithm
    fsu::g_heap_repair       # standard O(log n) algorithm
    fsu::g_build_heap        # O(n) alternative
    fsu::g_heap_sort         # optimized version calls fsu::build_heap
    alt::g_heap_sort         # standard version uses loop of calls to push_heap

    Note that the following are implemented and distributed elsewhere in the course library:

    List::Sort          # tcpp/list.h, list.cpp
    cormen::g_heap_sort # tcpp/gheap_cormen.h
    alt::g_heap_sort    # tcpp/gheap_basic.h disguised as "fsu::g_heap_sort"

  2. The sort algorithm file gsort.h is expected to operate using the supplied test harnesses: fgsort.cpp and sortspy.cpp. Note that this means, among other things, that all generic sorts in gsort.h should work with ordinary arrays as well as iterators of the appropriate category.

  3. All the sorts, including optimized versions, should be implemented as generic algorithms with template parameters that are iterator types.

  4. Each sort should have two versions, one that uses default order (operator < on I::ValueType) and one that uses a predicate object whose type is an extra template parameter.

  5. All the sorts should be in namespace fsu.

  6. Some of the sorts will require specializations (for both the default and predicate versions) to handle the case of arrays and pointers, for which I::ValueType is not defined. (See g_insertion_sort.)

  7. Re-use as many components as possible, especially existing generic algorithms such as g_copy (in genalg.h), g_set_merge (in gset.h), and the generic heap algorithms (in gheap.h).

  8. Begin testing with fgsort.cpp. This test is set up for char data and interactive use and includes all of the generic sort algorithms under consideration in the project.

  9. Proceed to test for functionality using these clients and both string and int data:

    hsort.cpp     # for string and int data
    msort.cpp     # for string and int data
    msortbu.cpp   # for string and int data
    qsort.cpp     # for string and int data
    qsort3w.cpp   # for string and int data

    These tests are intended to sort larger data files using I/O redirect, as in:

    hsort.x < input_file > output_file

    These make handy desktop tools for actually sorting data.

  10. After your testing shows correct functionality, use sortspy.cpp to collect your runtime data. File sizes should range from small (102 or less) to large (106 or more).

  11. Note that we are not implementing the random initialization optimization for any of the versions of g_quick_sort. The effect of that optimization should be mentioned in the report, but its effect is well understood from theory, and using it tends to obscure drawing conclusions about the other advances.

Report Guidelines

  1. Your report should address the main points you are investigating, which should include:

    1. Specific optimizations made
    2. How any optional constants, such as the "cutoff" size, were chosen, and why. (This is a good place for some experimentation.)
    3. What gains are made by the optimizations - preferable broken down by data characteristics (such as "random", "almost sorted", "few unique keys").
  2. Your report should be structured something like the following outline. You are free to change the titles, organization, and section numbering scheme. This is an informal report, which is why you are submitting a text file (as opposed to a pdf document).

    1. Title: Improving Performance of MergeSort and QuickSort
    2. Abstract or Executive Summary
      [brief, logical, concise overview of what the report is about and what its results and conclusions/recommendations are; this is for the Admiral or online library]
    3. Introduction
      [A narrative overview "story" of what the paper is about: what, why, how, and conclusions, including how the paper is organized]
    4. Background
      [what knowledge underpins the paper, such as theory and the known runtime and runspace characteristics of the (pure, un-optmized) sorts, with references]
    5. Data Analysis Process or Procedure
      [details on what data decisions are made and why; how input data is created; how timing data is collected; and how analysis is accomplished, including references for any software packages that are used and detailed documentation on any software used]
    6. Analysis Results
      [State and possibly elaborate your conclusions]
    7. Recommendations
      [Give a summary of your recommendations for best practice use of the various generic sorts.]
    8. Appendix 1
      Give tables of collected data [time in particular] used to back up your conclusions.
    9. Appendix 2
      Give detailed descriptions of all input files, including how they were built, there size, and constraints on content. (Do not put the actual input files in the report.)
