Homework 2: Post Machine

Realization of Emil Post's abstract machine as a C++ class

Educational Objectives: After completing this assignment, the student should be able to accomplish the following:

Operational Objectives: Create a C++ implementation of a Post machine that conforms to the given driver program.

Deliverables: Three files post.h, post.cpp, log.txt.

Post Machines

A Post machine is an abstract computer. It is primitive only in the sense of usability: A theorem (proved originally by Emil Post [1897-1954]) states that a Post machine can compute anything that any modern computer can compute. See [Chapter 25 of Daniel I.A. Cohen's Introduction to Computer Theory, Wiley, 1991]. Post was a contemporary of Alan Turing, and Post machines are similar (and computationally equivalent) to Turing machines.

Architecture. A Post machine consists of

  1. A program memory, which stores a program (as a list of instructions)
  2. A processing tape
  3. An internal state
  4. A processor

A Post machine instruction consists of a character string of the form


where <current_state>, <ch>, and <new_state> are single characters and <word> is a string of (zero or more) characters. A program consists of a list of instructions. (A program is stored on disk as a text file, one instruction per line. A Post machine stores program internally as a list of instructions.) The internal state is a value of the alphabet, a single character.

Processing Algorithm. A Post machine runs by first reading a program, which it keeps as a list of strings, and then receiving user input in the form of another string (which could be empty). The characters of the user input string are written to the front of the processing tape, followed by the symbol '#'. Execution begins with the internal state initially set to S (for Start). The machine executes by cycling through its program repeatedly and processing the tape according to the following rules:

If <current_state> matches the current (internal) state of the machine and <ch> matches the front of the tape, then <ch> is erased from the tape, the machine (internal) state is changed to <new_state>, and all of the characters in <string> are written to the tape. If there is no match for any instruction, the machine is said to crash. Note that if the tape is blank, there is no match.

After a cycle through the program, execution is terminated if (1) the current internal state is H (for Halt) - in which case the input string is ``accepted'', (2) a crash has occurred (the input string is ``rejected''), or (3) a maximum number of cycles has been reached (this prevents infinite loops). The contents of the processing tape is interpreted as the result of the computation in case (1), and as a core dump in cases (2) and (3).

A program is stored externally as a text file, one instruction per line, ending with '*' on a line by itself. Any line beginning with '*' is ignored (these are comment lines for the program).

Terminology Translator

The behavior of Post's "tape" is that of our ADT queue, including "writing to the tape" manifesting as the Queue Push operation and "erasing from the tape" manifesting as the Queue Pop operation.

Procedural Requirements

  1. Copy LIB/scripts/submit.sh and all of the files in LIB/hw2/ into your hw2 directory. You should now have these files:

    main.cpp        # driver program
    makefile        # project builder
    *.pp            # various post machine programs
    submit.sh       # submit script
    deliverables.sh # submission configuration file

    The files suffixed ".pp" are post machine programs ("pp" = "post machine program").

  2. Maintain a work log log.txt containing work by topic/time as well as any experimental or testing observations you make during the development process.

  3. Turn in three files post.h, post.cpp, and log.txt by entering the command submit.sh.

    Warning: Submit scripts do not work on the program and linprog servers. Use shell.cs.fsu.edu to submit projects. If you do not receive two confirmations, the second with the contents of your project, there has been a malfunction.

Code Requirements and Specifications

  1. Class PostMachine should have the following simple API:

      bool Load    ();
      void Run     ();

    as well as "announcing" constructor and destructor (run the distributed executable to see what these announcements should say).

  2. Class PostMachine should use a private List program_ to store programs, a private Queue tape_ to serve as a tape, and a private char state_ to store internal state.

  3. PostMachine::Load should query for a filename, open the file, and read the contents into its program memory (the List object), one instruction per list element. (Recall that an instruction is a line in the program file.)

  4. PostMachine::Run() should execute according to the processing algorithm given above and report results. When in doubt, use LIB/area51/post_i.x as a guide.

  5. Test your post machine using the distributed post programs and comparing results from the distributed LIB/area51/post_i.x.
