Assignment 0: Submission Verification and Portfolio Creation

Operational Objectives: Create and submit one text file of contact information

Deliverables: One file info.txt

Procedural Requirements

  1. Create and work within a separate subdirectory of your course directory named assign0.

  2. Use Emacs to create a text file named info.txt containing the following information:

    Name:          (your official registration name at FSU)
    Nickname:      (examples: "Bob", "Harriet", "Mr Smith", "Ms Smith", "Mrs Smith", "Dr Smith")
    CS Username:   (your CS login name)
    FSU Username:  (your Blackboard login name)
    Phone:         (a phone number where you could be reached in case of emergency)
                   (hours when the number is valid, e.g., 9-5, evenings, weekends, ...)

    Note that this file will reside in your class portfolio, which is accessible only by the instruction staff.

  3. Copy the file assign0/ into your assign0 directory.

  4. Change permissions on your copy of to executable. (Enter the command "chmod 700".)

  5. Turn in the file info.txt, using the submit script. (Enter the command "".)

    Warning: Submit scripts do not work on the program and linprog servers. Use to submit projects. If you do not receive the second confirmation with the contents of your project, there has been a malfunction.