Project 3: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Discovering Prime Numbers as Application of BitVector

Revision dated 02/10/17

Educational Objectives. After successfully completing this assignment, the student should be able to accomplish the following:

Operational Objectives: Define and implement the class Prime and deliver the code in two files prime.h and prime.cpp along with a makefile for the supplied test harness.

Deliverables: prime.h, prime.cpp, log.txt

Assessment Rubric

student build: 
    fbitvect.x:                           [0..3]:   x
    prime_below.x                         [0..3]:   x
    fprime.x                              [0..3]:   x
assess  build:
    fbitvect.x                            [0..3]:   x
    fprime.x                              [0..3]:   x
    fbitvect.x Expand                     [0..5]:   x
    fprime.x Largest                      [0..5]:   x
    fprime.x All                          [0..5]:   x
    fprime.x ResetUpperBound              [0..5]:   x
    fprime.x copychecks                   [0..5]:   x
    constructor                           [0..4]:   x 
    copy constructor                      [0..2]:   x  
    destructor                            [0..2]:   x 
    assignment operator                   [0..2]:   x
engineering etc:
   requirements                         [-20..0]: ( x)
   coding standard                      [-20..0]: ( x)
dated submission deduction           [2 pts per]: ( x)
total                                    [0..50]:  xx


See lecture notes Chapter 4. Classes Part 1, Chapter 5. Pointers, Chapter 6. Classes Part 2, and Chapter 8. BitVectors.

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

Assume that b is a vector of bits indexed in the range [0 ... n). Denote the "value" of bit k by b[k]. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a process that operates on a bit vector b, as follows:

  1. Begin with a bitvector b indexed in the range 0 ≤ k < n. Our goal is to unset bits for all composit numbers up to n, so that b[k] = 1 if and only if k is prime.
  2. Initialize b by setting all bits.
  3. Unset b[0] and b[1] (because 0 and 1 are not prime).
  4. For k between 2 and the square root of n, stepsize 1:
      if b[k] is set
        for j between k + k and n, stepsize k:
          unset b[j]
  5. Stop.

In short, unset the bits of all multiples of primes less than the square root of n.

Assertion 1. After invoking the sieve algorithm, an integer k in the range [0 ... n) is prime iff b[k] = 1.

The assertion is proved by mathematical induction. The base cases k = 0,1,2 are each easily checked by following the first few lines of the process. For the inductive step, assume the assertion is true for all index values less than k. If b[k] = 0 then there was an instance of k = a×b which resulted in unsetting b[k], so clearly k is composit. If b[k] = 1 then there was never an instance of k = a×b with a prime and a2k. But that is enough to prove that k is prime, because a composit number always has a factorization of the form a×b with ab (by just writing the smaller factor first) and then we would have k = p×q where p is a prime factor of a and q = b×a/p.

Remark. What Eratosthenes was thinking? Clearly, the big E did not use bitvectors. His approach went something like this: Imagine the numbers 1..n all written down in a list. We will cross all the composit numbers off of the list, so that those that are left must be all of the non-composit, that is, prime, numbers. The E-man went on to describe how to cross numbers off: first cross off 1, keep 2, and then cross off all multiples of 2. Go to the next number not crossed off (which must be prime) and cross of all of its multiples. Keep going until the list is exhausted.

Procedural Requirements:

  1. Copy all of the files in LIB/proj3 into your cop3330/proj3 directory. Then copy the file LIB/cpp/bitvect.cpp into your cop3330/proj3 directory. You should now see these files (and perhaps others) in your project directory:


  2. Begin a log file named log.txt. This should be an ascii text file in cop3330/proj3 with the following header:

    log.txt # log file for Prime project
    <date file created>
    <your name>
    <your CS username>

    This file should log all work done by date and time. It should also include a discussion of testing - how was it done, what were the results, and how any modifications were made.

  3. Familiarize yourself with the BitVector code in your library: LIB/cpp/bitvect.h and LIB/cpp/bitvect.cpp. Both the API and implementation are discussed in the class notes.

  4. Note that there is a non-functional implementation of BitVector::Expand() in the library. (This is the file you copied into your project directory.) One of your objectives is to supply functional code for this method:

    Implement the method void fsu::BitVector::Expand(size_t numbits) in your copy of the file bitvect.cpp.

  5. Debug your newly augmented BitVector class with the command "co3330 bitvect".

  6. Design the class Prime. Note that this is a client of fsu::BitVector and therefore must use the BitVector API. You are not implementing BitVector (except for the Expand method) and your Prime code cannot access the protected areas in BitVector.

  7. Implement the class Prime with the class definition in file prime.h and the class implementation in file prime.cpp

  8. Debug your Prime code with the commands "co3330 prime" and "co3330 bitvect".

  9. Create a makefile that builds the executables for fbitvect.x, fprime.x, and prime_below.x.

  10. Thoroughly test BitVector::Expand using fbitvect.x.

  11. Thoroughly test Prime using fprime.x.

  12. Turn in bitvect.cpp, prime.h, prime.cpp, makefile, and log.txt using LIB/scripts/ and LIB/proj3/, following the usual procedure.

    Warning: Submit scripts do not work on the program and linprog servers. Use to submit projects. If you do not receive the second confirmation with the contents of your project, there has been a malfunction.

Technical Requirements and Specifications - BitVector::Expand

  1. Implement the method BitVector::Expand(size_t nb) so that it has the effect enlarging the number of bits to at least nb while keeping the state of each of the existing bits in the enlarged object. The necessary steps in this implementation are:

    1. Calculate newByteArraySize = the number of bytes required for nb bits
    2. Using a locally declared pointer, create a new byte array of size newByteArraySize
    3. Initialize the new byte array to be the same as the old one where they share indices and to be zero for the "new" bits
    4. Set byteArraySize_ to newByteArraySize
    5. Delete the old byteArray_
    6. Point byteArray_ to the newly allocated byte array

  2. Expand(nb) should do nothing if nb does not excede the number of bits already allocated.

  3. In all cases a call to Expand() should not change the bit values for any existing bits and should initialze all new bits to 0

  4. When in doubt about required behavior, consult the executable LIB/area51/fbitvect_i.x.

Technical Requirements and Specifications - class Prime

  1. The class should implement the following diagram:

     Class Name:
     Public Services : 
      size_t     Largest           ( size_t ub ) const;
      void       All               ( size_t ub , std::ostream& os = std::cout ) const;
      void       All               ( std::ostream& os = std::cout ) const;
      size_t     UpperBound        () const;
      void       ResetUpperBound   ( size_t ub );
     Developer Services : 
      void       Dump              ( std::ostream& os = std::cout ) const;
      // used in development & testing; displays underlying bitvector state
     Properties : 
      Constructable: objects can be declared as ordinary variables, ub must be specified
      Assignable:    objects can be assigned one to another
      Passable:      objects can be passed by value to and returned as values from functions  
     Private variables:
      fsu::BitVector bv_;    // bit vector representing primes
     Private services:
      void Sieve();          // initializes bitvector to code primes
  2. The class should be a proper type, to include one 1-argument constructor and, in cases where the defaults are inadequate, the copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor.

  3. Prime(n): the constructor should initialize the private bitvector object in the init list and invoke Sieve() in the body, ensuring that all primes ≤ n are coded. (Note this requires at least n+1 bits.)

  4. Largest(n): returns the largest prime that is bounded above by n. (If n excedes the number of bits, it is replaced by the number of bits.)

  5. All(n os): sends all primes less than or equal to n to the stream os (again replacing n with the max number of bits if it excedes that number).

  6. All(os): sends all primes less than or equal to p.UpperBound() to the stream os.

  7. UpperBound(): returns the largest bit index value stored.

  8. ResetUpperBound(n): sets the upper bound to n if necessary. Calls BitVector::Expand.

  9. Sieve(): performs the Sieve of Eratosthenes on bv_.

  10. Dump(os): is intended for use by the development and testing teams. It should display the current state of the underlying BitVector object. For example, for the object Prime p(25) the display from p.Dump() would be


    Study this carefully and you will understand a lot about how the implementation works. Why are there 32 bits displayed, from 0 through 31, when we only asked for 0 through 25? What is the significance of the set bits? Just looking at this dump output, can you say what is returned by p.Largest(22)? What is output by the call p.All(22)? How about p.All(23)?

  11. Building and running the supplied proj3/fprime.cpp should result in output identical to the supplied executable area51/fprime_i.x.

  12. When in doubt about required behavior, consult the executable LIB/area51/fprime_i.x.

Technical Requirements and Specifications - makefile

  1. Create a makefile that builds the functional tests fbitvect.x, fprime.x and prime_below.x.

  2. You will need intermediate targets for these object code files: bitvect.o, fbitvect.o, fprime.o, prime.o, prime_below.o from which you assemble the three executable targets. Here are some sample lines from a makefile to get you started:

    LIB      = /home/courses/cop3330p/LIB
    CC       = g++ -std=c++11 -I. -I$(LIB)/cpp -Wall -Wextra
    all:      fbitvect.x fprime.x prime_below.x
    fprime.x: prime.o bitvect.o fprime.o
            $(CC) -o fprime.x prime.o bitvect.o fprime.o
    bitvect.o: bitvect.cpp # bitvect.h
            $(CC) -c bitvect.cpp

    Because you have debugged your source code files individually, it should be fairly straighforward to create the makefile. Note that we illustrate how to use the dependencies to optimize the build strategy without undue clutter: put only source files that you are creating in the dependency lists. That is why bitvect.h is commented out: (a) it exists in LIB/cpp and (b) we are not coding that file, so keeping it in the dependency list just clutters our workspace.
