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8. C++ Classes Part 3: Inheritance

1: Re-Use 2: Class Inheritance - 1 3: Class Inheritance - 2 4: Inherit/Override Methods 5: Scope Resolution: Accessing Members of Parent Class 6: Constructors and Destructors 7: Inheritance of Member Variables 8: Access Control and Inheritance - 1 9: Access Control and Inheritance - 2 10: Access Control and Inheritance - 3 11: Multiple Inheritance 12: Operators, Inheritance, and Upcasting - 1 13: Operators, Inheritance, and Upcasting - 2 14: Operators, Inheritance, and Upcasting - 3 15: Operators, Inheritance, and Upcasting - 4 16: Alternatives to Inheritance
    Copyright notice: The source documents, rendered pages, and content in this course are proprietary and may not be copied without express written permission of the author. (C) 2019 R.C. Lacher, Florida State University.

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