CIS 5406-01
Summer 1999 - Lesson 7


Rootly Powers, Process Management

UNIX Rootly Powers
  A. Taking on root identity confers certain powers
     1. Mount and unmount file systems
     2. Root can set "virtual root" via chroot()
     3. Creating device files (/dev, mknod)
     4. Setting system clock
     5. Can access any local file (one way or another)
     6. Change file ownership
     7. Raise resource limits (datasize, stacksize)
     8. Lowering nice values (raising priority)
     9. Changing system's hostname
    10. Running halt, shutdown
    11. Managing print subsystem
    12. etc...
  B. What limitations are there on root powers?
     0. UNIX suffers from "one account has all powers", so
	root account is focus of security breakins.
     1. Usually root on another machine won't/shouldn't trust you
     2. Should be careful that when "root" you know your $PATH!
        Beware ordering of file paths in $PATH, esp. current
        directory (".").
  C. How to become root?
     1. Login as "root", if allowed in /etc/ttytab (BSD):
# @(#)ttytab 1.7 92/06/23 SMI
# name	getty                      type     status
console	"/usr/etc/getty cons8"	   sun      on  local secure
ttya	"/usr/etc/getty std.9600"  unknown  off local secure
ttyb	"/usr/etc/getty std.9600"  unknown  off local secure
ttyp0	none			   network  off       secure
ttyp1	none			   network  off       secure
Field 1: "/dev" device name (e.g., "/dev/ttya")
Field 2: program to monitor that line ("getty", "xdm")
Field 3: Type of terminal (in "/etc/termcap")
Field 4 and up: List of attributes for that line
	"on"     == start up process in field 2
	"local"  == use local connection line discipline (or lack thereof)
	"secure" == "root" allowed to log on
        Chapter 11 in ESA contains more information about hard-wired
        terminals and ttytab/gettytab.
     2. su
        - Substitute user
        - "su" with minus flag ("su - jtbauer") invokes a login session
        - Good idea to "su - root"
     3. sudo
	- NOT usually a part of a vendor-supplied UNIX
        - Allows a class of users to execute a set of commands
          with root privileges
        - Logs use
        - Does raise some vulnerabilities (yet-another setuid program,
          but you can compartmentalize the damage (hopefully)
System Load Average
     0. "load average" == average size of ready queue over sample period
     1. Shows the 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages
     2. Can see with "w", "uptime", "xsysstats" (xi), "xsysinfo" (Linux) or "top"
     3. What's a reasonable load average?
        --> depends on the machine and the type of jobs running
Idle Time
     1. Percentage of time the system is idle 
     2. Can see with "iostat -c 1", "top", or "vmstat 1" (my fave)
     3. What do you want this number to be (depends on machine's raison d'etre :)
Process Monitoring
  A. ps - process status
     - Window into process table
     - Extremely rich command; different options
       depending on whether the OS is BSD or System V based.
     The BSD "ps" has these columns, which is generally true for the
     other "ps" commands:

     1. process state
        - First letter indicates the runnability of the process:
          R - Runnable processes.
          T - Stopped processes.
          P - Processes in page wait.
          D - Processes in non-interruptable waits;
          S - Processes sleeping < about 20 seconds.
          I - Processes sleeping > 20 seconds
          Z - zombie (process with NO resources other than a proc slot)
     2. Swapped?
        - Second letter indicates whether a process is swapped out;
          blank  - loaded in memory
          W      - Process is swapped out.
          '>'    - Process has specified a soft limit on memory
                   (imposed by the "limit" command)
     3. Niced?
        - Third letter indicates whether a process is  running  with
          altered CPU scheduling priority (nice, renice)
          blank - normal
          N     - The process priority is reduced,
          <     - The process priority has been raised artificially.
		# renice +19 PID	<- lowest priority (nice)
		# renice -19 PID	<- highest priority (not nice)
     Example "ps" output:
kuncick   7467 40.1  1.3  124  364 pc D <  09:32   0:15 find / -name foo
kuncick   7419 16.6  1.3  124  364 pc D N  09:28   0:11 find ...
kuncick   7529 39.4  1.2  100  320 pc R    09:35   0:01 find / -name foo
kuncick   7528 35.8  1.2  112  324 pc R    09:35   0:15 find / -name foo
root         1  0.0  0.0   52    0 ?  IW   Dec 18  0:24 /sbin/init -
root         2  0.0  0.0    0    0 ?  D    Dec 18  0:08 pagedaemon
root        75  0.0  0.4   48  108 ?  S    Dec 18 12:09 in.routed
bynum     7328  0.0  0.1   48   24 pb S    09:24   0:00 rlogin -8 sed
tajdari   7041  0.0  0.0   68    0 p6 IW   08:59   0:00 -pclab-csh (csh)
leggett  19429  0.0  0.0   80    0 ?  TW   Jan 21  0:00 pico +7
kohout    7036  0.0  0.0   24    0 p3 TW   08:59   0:00 /bin/sh ltxview
kohout    7008  0.0  0.0   84    0 p3 IW   08:58   0:00 -reg-csh (csh)
root     24818  0.0  0.0   32    0 ?  IW   20:46   0:07 in.telnetd
johnson   7297  0.0  0.7   80  192 p8 S    09:22   0:00 pico proj1b.f
root      6842  0.0  0.0   32    0 ?  IW   08:52   0:02 in.telnetd
evans     6843  0.0  0.0   76    0 p9 IW   08:52   0:00 -reg-csh (csh)
bynum     7321  0.0  0.0  404    0 pb IW   09:24   0:01 -reg-tcsh (tcsh)
root      6695  0.0  0.2   32   44 ?  S    08:47   0:04 in.telnetd
root      7007  0.0  0.0   24    0 ?  IW   08:58   0:00 in.rlogind
kuncick   7422  0.0  1.9  264  512 pc R    09:29   0:00 ps -aux
naus      7167  0.0  1.4 1216  384 p4 S    09:10   0:03 tin
healy     7814  0.0  3.4  184  924 ?  S    09:47   0:00 xclock -rv -update 1
      4. Many more features to "ps"
         - Note that "ps" demonstrates the Heisenberg principle
           (observing the process table affects the process table :)

         - Some of my favorite "ps" variations:

            ps -ef (System V)
            ps -elf (System V)
            ps -lu username (System V)
            ps axuw | grep username (BSD)
  B. top - NOT part of vendor's UNIX, typically (it is bundled with Linux)
     - Dynamically shows processes, idle time, memory usage,
       and load averages
  C. monitor - beautiful one-page system display (AIX ONLY)
  D. "pstree" - nice PD filter that shows family hierarchy of processes
Quick Remedies for sluggish system
  1. System clogged by many identical jobs
  2. One process has been running for a long time
Long-term Remedies
  1. Involve more performance analysis
  2. May need faster CPU, more memory or faster I/O
Windows NT Administrator Powers
     The NT administrator also suffers somewhat from the UNIX "one account
     has all powers" model.  Access is limited to the current domain, as
     well as any other domains that trust this domain.
     NT has default groups, one of  which is the Adminstrators group.  Adding
     a user to the Adminstrator group (via "User Manager for Domains")
     gives them the same user rights policies that the Adminstrators
     group has (check via "UMFD", "Policies", "User Rights").
     NT "powers" are defined as a set of user rights policies, assigned
     either individually to an account or via group memberships.  The
     rights are (page 310, EWNTSA):
        Access this computer from network
        Add workstations to domain
        Back up files and directories
        Change the system time
        Force shutdown from a remote system
        Load and unload device drivers
        Log on locally
        Manage auditing and security log
        Restore files and directories
        Shut down the system
        Take ownership of files or other objects
     NT also provides a set of advanced user rights, mostly for software
     developers.  Click the "Show Advanced User Rights" checkbox in the 
     "User Rights Policy" dialog box to access them.  Some of the more
     interesting ones:
         Bypass traverse checking (ignore directory perms)
         Act as part of the operating system (system-level access)
         Increase scheduling priorities
         Lock pages in memory
         Log on as a batch job
         Log on as a service
         Profile system performance
Windows NT Process Management
     We already took a look at the Task Manager tool, which presents a
     variety of options for display applications and processes.  It
     allows you to change a processes priority, kill a process, etc.
Windows NT Auditing
      You can get good control over a variety of security-related
      auditing events (go to User Manager for Domains/Policies/Audit)
      The auditing events can be seen in the "Security" log via the
      Event viewer.  An interesting example is the security log event
      auditing the changing of the auditing:
Audit Policy Change:
 New Policy:
 	Success	Failure
 	    +	    +	System
 	    +	    +	Logon/Logoff
 	    +	    +	Object Access
 	    +	    +	Privilege Use
 	    +	    +	Detailed Tracking
 	    +	    +	Policy Change
 	    +	    +	Account Management
 Changed By:
 	User Name:	Administrator
 	Domain Name:	JBDOMAIN
 	Logon ID:		(0x0,0x1A11)