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Softly Reachable

An object is softly reachable if it is not strongly reachable and there is a path to it with no weak or phantom references, but one or more soft references. The garbage collector might or might not reclaim a softly reachable object depending on how recently the object was created or accessed, but is required to clear all soft references before throwing an OutOfMemoryError.

If heap memory is running low, the garbage collector may, at its own discretion, find softly reachable objects that have not been accessed in the longest time and clear them (set their reference field to null).

SoftReference objects work well in applications that, for example, put a large number of images into memory and there is no way to know if the application (driven by end user input) will access a given image again. If the garbage collector reclaims an image that has not been accessed for a long time, and the application needs to access it again, the application reloads the image and displays it.

Using Soft References in Web-Based Programs

Soft references are very useful in web-based programs where, for example, an applet creates an image to display on a web page. When the user opens the web page, the applet code gets the image and displays it. If the code also creates a soft reference to the image, the garbage collector has the option to reclaim or not reclaim the memory allocated to the image when the user moves to another web page. Here is how the example application looks in memory:

If the user returns to the web page where the image is, the applet code uses the SoftReference.get method to check the soft reference to find out if the image is still in memory. If the image has not been reclaimed by the garbage collector, it is quickly displayed on the page; and if the image has been reclaimed, the applet code gets it again.

If your program calls the SoftReference.clear method, the reference may become eligible for reclamation. However, if there is a strong reference to the object, calling the clear method does not cause the garbage collector to reclaim the object. In this case, the soft reference is null, but garbage collection does not happen until the object is no longer strongly reachable.

Here is the source code for the class.

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;

public class DisplayImage extends Applet {

        SoftReference sr = null;

        public void init() {

        public void paint(Graphics g) {
            Image im = (sr == null) ? null : (Image)(sr.get());
            if (im == null) {
                System.out.println("Fetching image");
                im = getImage(getCodeBase(), "truck1.gif");
                sr = new SoftReference(im);
            g.drawImage(im, 25, 25, this);
            im = null;        /* Clear the strong reference to the image */

        public void start() {

        public void stop() {


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