MorphBank Object Description

MorphBank Research Group
School of Computational Sciences
The Departent of Computer Science
Florida State University

Object Name:Location
 Description: Table of valid locations of MorphBank Specimens. Based on part of the Darwin Core, version 2.0 standard.
Primary Key:id
Attribute Name: idType: Character This is the id inherited from BaseObject. Other fields, for instance userId and groupId, are also inhered from the BaseObject (see specification of BaseObject).
Attribute Name: continentOceanIdType: Character The continent or ocean from which a specimen was collected.
Attribute Name: countryIdType: Character The country or major political unit from which the specimen was collected. ISO 3166-1 values should be used. Full country names are currently in use. A future recommendation is to use ISO3166-1 two letter codes or the full name when searching. MorphBank will adopt the two letter codes for this database.
Attribute Name: localityType: Character The locality description (place name plus optionally a displacement from the place name) from which the specimen was collected. Where a displacement from a location is provided, it should be in un-projected units of measurement.
Attribute Name: latitudeType: Real The latitude of the location from which the specimen was collected. This value should be expressed in decimal degrees with a datum such as WGS-84.
Attribute Name: longitudeType: Real The longitude of the location from which the specimen was collected. This value should be expressed in decimal degrees with a datum such as WGS-84.
Attribute Name: coordinatePrecisionType: Integer An estimate of how tightly the collecting locality was specified; expressed as a distance, in meters, that corresponds to a radius around the latitude-longitude coordinates. Use NULL where precision is unknown, cannot be estimated, or is not applicable.
Attribute Name: minimumElevationType: Integer The minimum distance in meters above (positive) or below sea level of the collecting locality.
Attribute Name: maximumElevationType: Integer The maximum distance in meters above (positive) or below sea level of the collecting locality.
Attribute Name: minimumDepthType: Integer The minimum distance in meters below the surface of the water at which the collection was made; all material collected was at least this deep. Positive below the surface, negative above (e.g. collecting above sea level in tidal areas).
Attribute Name: maximumDepthType: Integer The minimum distance in meters below the surface of the water at which the collection was made; all material collected was at least this deep. Positive below the surface, negative above (e.g. collecting above sea level in tidal areas).