CEN4020-CEN4021: Software Engineering I-II  up ↑




Text Book Websites

Unified Process

IEEE Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK)

Association for Software Quality Practice Quizzes

A Tutorial Case Study on OO Analysis and Design (ATM Simulation)

Tutorials on the use of CRC Cards

Use Case Diagrams & Descriptions

Class Diagrams

At the analysis level in information systems (but not real-time systems), the class diagram classes and entity relationship entities are the same. At design time they diverge.

Sequence Diagrams

A sequence diagram is used for each use case. It shows how the object interact with each other.

Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD)

Design Document Examples

You can find other examples using Google search with key phrase "Software Design Specification". Use the quotes, so that the match is on the entire phrase.


Ethics Links

UP References

UML References

Software Engineering Links

Requirements Engineering


There is a nice series of cartoons about the Scrum development method, at http://www.implementingscrum.com/section/blog/cartoons/.

Most of Scott Adams' cartoons are based on real-life stories, and many of them come from software engineers. In fact, it seems that Dilbert is a software engineering. The strips are educational, about the pitfalls of this field. Just don't take them too seriously.

maintained by T. P. Baker