Functional Testing of System for a Use Case


This assignment is intended to provide a bare beginning of an introduction to the planning and design of tests for a software system. The form of test that can be described using this template would not cover all testing needs. The form is intended to be used to describe whole-system tests of a specific use-case, to verify that the system is able to correctly perform its role within all of the scenarios of the use case.

The document you produce here is intended to provide sufficient instructions for a person who is either manually carrying out a test, or who is writing an automated script to carry out a test.

Use Case Name
This is the name of a use case, which should also appear in your system Use Case Diagram, and in a Use Case Description.
Use Case Number
This is the numer of the use case as it appears on the Use Case Diagram and the Use Case Description.
This is the name of the person who filled out this table.
Step Number
This is the number of a step in the Use Case Description.
Function Name
This need not be the name of function in the programming-language sense. It is a descriptive phrase chosen to abbreviate the descriptive statement in the Use Case Description for what the system does at the corresponding step number in the use case scenario. It may be the exact same words, or it may be paraphrased here to make it more concise.
Test Criteria
Describe what what the human tester or automated test driver should do at this step, including inputs, to evoke the expected behavior from the system for this test.
Expected Results
Describe the expected behavior of the system under test, if the system functions according to requirements.
If the system is expected to produc outputs, list the expected outputs.