Real Time Systems: Notes

Clock-Driven Static Scheduling


Nonpreemptive Cyclic Executive vs. Preemptive Scheduler

A cyclic executive can be coded very simply, without the complexity of implementing preemption.

The discussion of clock-driven scheduling in Chapter 5 of Liu tends to hide this important fact by mixing in various forms of preemptive scheduling.

Here, we will look a non-preemptive cyclic executives, starting with a series of solutions to an example problem.

The Cyclic Executive Paradigm -- An Example

The following example is intended to illustrate a set of simple but interesting timing constraints, and how one might design a cyclic executive to satisfy these timing constraints. The example is made up, but has some characteristics that are found in actual real-time systems.

In general, aperiodic tasks do not fit well into the cyclic scheduling model. The solutions shown here stretch the limits of what one can do with a nonpreemptive cyclic executive. Strictly speaking, this problem cannot be solved using a pure cyclic schedule. The implementation developed here is not completely deterministic, since (as will be seen) the pattern of execution depends on the aperiodic arrivals of event E. However, we can verify logically that the timing requirements will always be satisfied.

The example evolved from a simpler one, in which the task A1 had a simple periodic constraint. Conversion to a maximum separation constraint made the example more interesting, but also more complicated and more subtle. In retrospect, it might be pedagogically better to start with the original simpler problem, with a pure periodic timing requirement for A1. One could then introduce the separation constraint model as a variation, to show how one would handle more general kinds of timing constraint. It would also help if the description also made a clearer separation of the treatment of the aperiodic (separation constraint) of task A2 from the periodic task A1.

Design Method

  1. identify application requirements
  2. identify applications constraints
  3. choose architecture
  4. identify architecture-imposed constrants
  5. choose more design details
  6. identify further design-imposed constrants
  7. sort through possible solutions, rejecting those that do not satisfy requirements & constraints

The example attempts to follow a sound software engineering method, starting with a set of given requirements and constraints, deriving further design constraints, developing trial solutions, rejecting solutions that do not satisfy the requirements, and verifying that the final solution satisfies all of the requirements.


The following requirements are imposed on the software by the system design and the real world:

  1. Action A1 should be done once at least every 10 ms.
    This is often called a cyclic task with a separation constraint.
  2. Action A2 should be done whenever event E happens, and completed within 5 ms.
    This is often called an aperiodic task with a response time constraint.
  3. The time of E must be determined within 1.0 ms.

Let us assume these requirements have some tolerance for error, say ±10%.

In a real software development environment, the algorithms and code for the actions A1 and A2 would probably be developed by different specialists than are responsible for design of the code that schedules the execution. The person who is assigned to write the executive must take the timing requirements above and attempt to satisfy them. If this cannot be done, the only recourse would be to go back to the specialists who imposed these requirements and ask whether they can find a way to relax them.


The following constraints are imposed by the real world:

  1. Event E must be detected by polling.
    It does not generate an interrupt.
  2. The only time reference is a passive clock, which has a tick size of 0.1 ms.
  3. The longest polling interval that insures we will not miss event E is 0.5 ms.

The first two are contraints on the implementation, imposed by budget and the choice of hardware. If a solution cannot be found, these might be relaxed by spending some more on hardware. For example, constraint (4) might be relaxed by developing hardware that generates an interrupt when event E occurs, and constraint (5) might be relaxed by providing a hardware timer that can generate an interrupt might be provided. However the additional hardware would cost more money. In some real-time systems even a small increase in hardware cost could make a large difference in profitability for the end product. The example proceeds on the assumption that these constraints cannot be relaxed.

The third constraint (6) is on the real-world event E. We need some such constraint, or we will not be able to tell how often to poll for E. In practice, if this information is not originally given the software engineer would need to go back to the system engineers to get them to agree on some such constraint.

The shaded zone in the diagram indicates an interval during which polling might return an ambiguous value. If we sample the input during this interval we may not detect E, and so would need to sample again before the next transition. There is a similar ambiguous interval at the next transition. To detect the state change that constitutes event E, we need

Implementation Consequences

The following worst-case execution time are consequences of hardware speed, algorithm choice, and coding.

  1. A1 takes 1 ms (of CPU time)
  2. A2 takes 2 ms
  3. Checking for E takes 0.01 ms, including any overhead

Design-Imposed Constraint

The following additional constraint is imposed to make scheduling feasible, based on knowledge of the real world.

  1. Event E can't happen twice within 50 ms.

We hope this is true, but if not, we interpret this as permission to simply ignore events that are closer than 50ms. In some systems this might actually be a requirement, to ignore events that are closer than 50ms. For example, this might be based on the assumption that they are due to bouncing of an electrical contact.

Indirect Consequential Constraints

The following are consequences, which affect scheduling.

  1. Polling for E must be done at least once every 0.5ms.     (from 6)
    This contributes a CPU utilization of at least 0.01/0.5=2%.     (from 9)
  2. We will need to execute A2 once within 5ms.     (from 2)
    This contributes a momentary CPU utilization of 40%.     (from 8)
  3. We must plan on executing A1 at least once every 10ms.     (from 1)
    This contributes a CPU utilization of at least 10%.     (from 7)

In (12) we analyze A2, which is an aperiodic task, as if it were a periodic task. This is a case of over-allocation, which is typical of trying to force aperiodic tasks into a periodic scheduling framework. We will not need to execute A2 every 5ms, since the minimum inter-arrival time of event E is 50ms. However, event E could happen at any time, so to achieve the desired 5ms reponse time with a static cyclic schedule, we need to reserve 2ms out of every 5ms for executing A2. Thus, although the worst-case long-term CPU utilization of A2 is only 2/50 = 4%, the ``local'' competition A2 gives to other tasks is equivalent to that of a task with 2/5 = 40% CPU utilization.

Constraints due to Nonpreemptive Scheduling

The following are consequences of using a non-preemptive executive.

  1. A1 needs to be divided into subactions of at most 0.4ms.     (from 5 and 11)
    This amounts to 3 subactions.
  2. A2 does not need to be divided into subactions.     (from 8 and 10)

The reason for dividing A1 is to allow the polling for E to take place. We do not have to divide A2, since we only execute A2 after E has been detected, and we don't need to poll again for E until 50ms later. This gives time to complete A2.

The following is close to a solution to the requirements above. This executive has a defect. The defect will be pointed out and corrected further below. However, it may be instructive to try to spot it before reading the explanation.

An ad hoc Executive Loop

       -- executive processing (poll for E, and check time)
       if E then
       end if;
       if Clock>=Time_for_A1 then
          if Stage_of_A1/=0 then recover_from_missed_deadline; end if;
       end if;
       -- main processing
       if Stage_of_A2/=0 then
          --give A2 priority, due to shorter deadline
       elsif Stage_of_A1/=0 then
          if Stage_of_A1 = End_of_A1 then Stage_of_A1:= 0; end if;
       end if;
    end loop;

Here, the variables Stage_of_Ai are used to indicate the stage of completion of each of the two actions. Stage_of_Ai = 0 means action Ai has completed, and Stage_of_Ai /= 0 means action Ai is supposed to be executing. Stage_of_A1 goes through values 1, 2, and 3, reflecting the 3 subactions of A1.

The following is an example of a possible execution trace. P denotes execution of the code to poll for E and check the Clock. 1 denotes execution of A1, and 2 denotes execution of A2. The granularity is not intended to be precise.

A Possible Execution Trace

   E                          Clock=Time_for_A1
   |                          |
   v                          v

Let's check whether the requirements are satisfied.

(1) Action A1 should be done every 10 ms

A1 is scheduled every 10ms. Only the higher priority task A2 can prevent it from executing, and this delays A1 at most 2.1ms.

The earliest completion time of A1 is no earlier than 1ms after its release time:

   |           A1 has completed
   V           V

(1) Action A1 should be done every 10 ms

The worst-case response time for A1 is when E occurs at a time A1 is due to execute.

   E, and Clock=Time_for_A1      
   |                                A1 has completed
   V                                V

The absolute jitter for A1 is the execution time of A2, plus the overhead of one extra iteration of the polling code, i.e. about 2.1ms.

(1) Action A1 should be done every 10 ms

Here, we discover a defect. The jitter of 2.1ms means the interval between two executions of A1 might be as large as 12.1 ms, which exceeds the maximum separation constraint (requirement (1)) of 10ms ± 10%.

There are several ways we might try to fix this:

Let us explore these each in more detail.

Changing Priorities

To change priorities, so that A2 cannot preempt A1, we reorder the branches of the if-statement:

       if Stage_of_A1/=0 then
          if Stage_of_A1 = End_of_A1 then
             Stage_of_A1:= 0;
          end if;
       elsif Stage_of_A2/=0 then -- give A2 lower priority
       end if;

Why Changing Priorities Does not Work

Since scheduling is not preemptive, we still have a problem if A2 is already running when the time to execute A1 comes.

   Time_For_A1                                      E detected
   |    A1 completes at time ~ 1.03                 |Time_For_A1   A1
   |    |                                           ||             done
   V    V                                           VV             V

We could combat this by dividing A2 into subactions, as we did A1, but that would not be enough, since right now, A1's period gives no slack time. This leaves us with the other two approaches.

Shorten the period of A1

To shorten the period of A1, to allow for preemption by A2, we change the code as follows:


This gives us a period of 0.008, leaving 2ms for A1 to be blocked by A2, and still complete within 10ms of its last execution.

Drop the explicit period of A1

Since we have no other tasks, we can also drop the explicit period of A1 entirely, so that it executes whenever there is idle time:

    Stage_of_A1 := 1;
       -- main processing
       if E then --give A2 priority, due to shorter deadline
          if Stage_of_A1 = End_of_A1 then Stage_of_A1:= 1; end if;
       end if;
    end loop;

We will now execute A1 approximately every millisecond, except when we need to execute A2.

(2) Do A2 whenever event E happens, within 5 ms

The worst case response time for A2 occurs when A1 is executing.

   |E occurs
   ||  E is detected
   ||  |         A2 completes
   VV  V         V                   

The division of A1 into 0.4ms stages ensures that E is detected within 0.5ms, and A2 will start no later than that time. It will then complete no later than 0.5+2=2.5ms after E occurs.

(3) The time of E must be determined within 1.0 ms.

We have divided the subactions of A1 small enough that the interval between checks for E does not exceed 0.5ms. As argued above, we do not need to divide A2, since E should not reoccur within 50ms of the last occurrence.


What if we want to ensure we do not poll for E any closer than 0.5ms? This might be required, for example, to debounce a contact. You should be able to modify the code above to do that?

Higher-Powered Cyclic Exec: Major+Minor Cycle Model

Time is divided into equal-sized ``frames''.

Length of frame =    "minor cycle"
Length of schedule = "major cycle" = k * minor_cycle

Each job must be scheduled to execute entirely within one frame.

Purposes of Frames

Handling Frame Overruns

Item 3 above requires heavy-duty preeptive executive, that can suspend threads, and later resume them. (That is the sort of executive assumed by much of the discussion in Chapter 5 of Liu.)

Cyclic Executives, Basic Idea

The cyclic executive paradigm is usually used for tasks with periodic timing constraints, though it can be adapted to other kinds of timing constraints.

Example Task Set

taskperiodexecution time

Below is a possible cyclic schedule for these tasks, using a frame size of 10.

AAAA      AAAA       AAAA      AAAA      AAAA      AAAA      
    BBBBBB               BBBBBB              BBBBBB 

The schedule shown above could be implemented in several ways. One way is via a table.

Representing the Schedule

More general executives might require more complicated tables, but the cyclic schedule above could be represented very simply, by the string

Here "0" indicates the end of the work to be done in a time interval of 10 milliseconds. An executive could be implemented using this table.

Cyclic Executive Coded Using a Table

procedure Executive is
  Schedule: constant String:= "AB0AC0AB0A0AB0A0";
  T: Time:= Clock;
  I: Schedule'Range:= Schedule'First;
      T:= T+ 0.01;
      while Clock < T loop null; end; loop;
      -- idle until time to start next 10ms "frame" of schedule
         I:= I+1;
         if I = Schedule'Length then I:= Schedule'First; end if;
         case Schedule (I) is
         when "A" => A;
         when "B" => B;
         when "C" => C;
         when others => exit;
         end case;
      end loop;
   end loop;
end Executive;

Fitting Non-Periodic Constraints into a Cyclic Schedule

If the tasks have timing constraints other than simple periodic constraints, it is still possible to adapt a cyclic scheduling approach, as in the example we are trying to solve. In this example, we have no pure periodic timing constraints. Instead we have a cyclic task with a maximum separation constraint and an aperiodic task with a response time constraint.

Solutions Using a Major/Minor Cycle Model

Reconsider the A1/A2/E example, but now suppose there is a timer that can be set to interrupt once every 0.0005 second.

Suppose we first try using 8ms as the major period, since that worked for our other example.

   major period =  8ms
   minor period =  4ms

Canonical Major Cycle Schedule

Frame 0                 Frame 1                 
V                       V                       
222222222222111111      222222222222
^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  

V = frame boundary
^ = clock interrupt point, where polling for E and updating of a periodic clock T will be done
2 = indicates time reserved for A2
1 = time reserved for A1

We have reserved time for A2 in both frames, since we are concerned about the response time requirement of 5ms, even though we know we will never have to use this time in two consecutive frames.

Coded Implementation

T: Integer:= 0;
T_Tick:   constant:=  0.0005; -- 0.5ms
Clock_Modulus:  constant:= 32;      -- period of counter T (below)

Major_Period: constant:= 16;  -- 16 clock ticks = 8ms
Minor_Period: constant:=  8;  --  8 clock ticks = 4ms

Frame: Integer:=0;
A1_Done, A2_Done : Boolean:= True;

procedure Handler is
   if E then
      if not A2_done then recover_from_A2_overrun; end if;
      A2_done:= false;
   end if;
   -- we could also check for missed deadlines here
   if T <= Clock_Modulus then T:=T+1; else T:=0; end if;    
end Handler;

procedure Executive is
      while Is_Before(T,Frame) loop null; end loop;
      -- Frame-T < -Clock_Modulus/2 or 0 < Frame-T < Clock_Modulus/2
      Frame:= Frame+Minor_Period;
      if Frame>=Clock_Modulus then Frame:=Frame-Clock_Modulus;
      if not A2_done then
         A2; A2_done:= true;
      end if;                                        -- takes ~ 2 ms
      if Frame mod Major_Cycle = 0 then A1; end if;  -- takes ~ 1 ms
   end loop;
end Executive;

Note on Overscheduling of Aperiodics

Note also that sometimes the work ``scheduled'' in a frame does not actually need to be done. In particular, we are scheduling a chance to execute A2 in every frame, but we only actually execute it if we have detected E in the last frame interrupt.

Discussion questions

  1. Where are we assuming Clock_Modulus is divisible by 16?
  2. Where are we assuming Clock_Modulus > 16?
  3. Is the constraint for A1 met?

Partial answers on modular time

The correctness of Frame mod Major_Cycle = 0 depends on Clock_Modulus (32) being divisible by Major_Cycle (16).

The ability to implement the function Is_Before depends on Clock_Modulus being greater than two times the maximum separation of times being compared, i.e. 2 ⋅ 8 = 16.

(More about modular time will be explained below.)

Answer on constraint for A1

The maximum separation for executions of A1 is 8ms + 2ms = 10ms.

Frame 0         Frame 1         Frame 2
V               V               V
1111            22222222        222222221111
0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---0---1--- ms
    ^                                      ^
    execution of A1 done                   next exec
                                           of A1 done

Worst-Case Response Time for A2

Question: What is the worst-case response time, from the time an event E happens to the time action A2 is completed?

Answer: ~ 4ms (for next frame) + 2ms (for A2 to complete) = 6ms

Frame 0                 Frame 1                 Frame 2
V                       V                       V
0-----1-----2-----3-----4-----5-----6-----7-----8-----9 ms
^* ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  
 | E is detected        A2 starts   A2 completes
 E occurs

This is not good enough. We need a response time of 5ms.

Changing Frame Size

To improve the response time, we can try changing frame size. (Remember that it must be an exact multiple of the clock tick.) Suppose we try 3ms. The canonical schedule is:

V                 V                 
^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  

Worst Case Response Time for E

The worst-case response time for E is now about 3ms + 2ms = 5ms.

V                 V                 V                 V
111111            222222222222
^* ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  
 | E is detected  A2 starts   A2 completes
 E occurs

Task A1 is now executing every 6ms. That is OK, since we have only a maximum separation constraint for A1, but it would not be very good if we have any other work to do, since we are wasting CPU capacity, executing A1 more often than necessary.

Separating Executions of A1 Further

We could try a different frame size, to see if we could separate the executions of A1 further, to reduce the CPU load. For example, with a frame size of 2ms we could use a major period of 8ms:

V           V           V           V      
^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^

Worst Case Response Time for E

The worst-case response time for E is now ~2ms+2ms = 4ms:

V           V           V           V      
^* ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^
 E detected A2 starts   A2 completes

Maximum Separation for A1

The maximum separation of executions of A1 is now ~8ms+2ms = 10ms:

V           V           V           V           V
111111                                          222222222222111111             
^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^

Increasing Major Period to 10

V           V           V           V           V           V      
111111      222222222222            222222222222222222222222              
^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^

This reduces the number of executions of A1, but requires us to reserve more CPU capacity for A2 to meet its 5ms response time constraint.

Implementation Code

To implement this, we would have to force A2 not to execute on even frames, by changing the code of the loop, perhaps as follows:

      if not A2_done and then Frame mod 2 = 0 then
         A2;  -- takes ~ 2 ms
         A2_done:= true;
      elsif Frame mod Major_Cycle = 0 then
         A1;  -- takes ~ 1 ms
      end if;                                        

What is the global total CPU utilization?

Back in the beginning, we estimated the local processor utilization of A2 to be 40%. This was the effective local utilization during the interval that A2 will be competing with other jobs. We used this for the purpose of estimating whether A2 could be scheduled in the interval between when E occurs and 5ms later. It allowed us to be sure we could complete A2 on time, regardless of when it arrives.

If we just look at the cyclic schedule above, with 2ms minor cycle and 8ms major cycle, we see that A2 is reserved 2ms out of every 4ms, so the effective utilization is 50%. This number is higher because fitting the schedule into frames forced us to cut the effective deadline for A2 from 5ms down to 4ms.

Now, if we are interested in the big picture, as to how much time might be left for other (lower priority) work, the answer is different. The global CPU utilization of A2 is at most 2ms/50ms, or 4%, since E cannot occur more than once in 50 ms. Adding in 1% for polling for A1, we have a total CPU utilization of only 15%.

Fragility or Robustness of Schedule

How much could we increase the total utilization (by increasing the execution times of A1 and A2) and still be able to meet deadlines using this cyclic executive (with frame size of 2ms)?

In other words, how much room do we have for increasing the execution times of A1 and A2, without overloading the system?

What if A2 Takes Longer?

We can't increase the execution time of A2 without risking a separation of more than 10ms between executions of A1.

   0   2   4   6   8   0   2   4   6   8   0
   11              222211
e1 = 1
e2 = 2
U = 4 + 10 + 1 = 15%

What if A1 Overruns?

If we try increasing the execution time of A1, we find we can do that quite a bit without causing A1 to miss a deadline.

   0   2   4   6   8   
e1 = 6
e2 = 2
U = 2 + 75 + 1 = 78%

How Can A1 Overruns Affect A2?

However, we now have a problem with A2, e.g.

   0   2   4   6   8   10
           ^E detected

When E is detected we can't execute A2 since A1 is still executing.

Breaking up A2

What we want in this case is the following.

   0   2   4   6   8   10
           ^E detected, so we execute A2

e1 = 6
e2 = 2

Since we would only need to break A1 up into 4 subactions, this may be feasible. If it needed to broken up much finer, we should start considering preemptive scheduling.

More Details On Cyclic Executive Model

PeriodExec. Time
p0 = 1 e0 = 0.2
p1 = 2 e1 = 0.3
p2 = 2 e2 = 0.4
p3 = 4 e3 = 0.8

hyperperiod = 4 = LCM of task periods
major Cycle = hyperperiod, or larger multiple
minor Cycle = 1 or smaller, subject to other constraints

Minor Cycle choice causes problems for T3

0         1         2         3         4
[---------[---------[---------[---------[   (Gantt chart)
001111    002222    001111    002222

Importance of Minor Cycle Boundaries

The following is not an acceptable schedule for implementation by cyclic executive.

0         1         2         3         4
[---------[---------[---------[---------[   (Gantt chart)
00111133333333002222001111    002222

Task 3 does not fit within one minor cycle, so the minor-cycle interrupt does not provide any "fire wall" to protect tasks 0 and 2 from overflows of task 3.

If task 3 overflows, we do not detect it until time 2, by which time task 0 and task 2 may have already missed their deadlines.

Dividing up Task 3

To fit task 3 in, we must divide it, say into tasks 3a and 3b:

PeriodExec. Time
p3a = 4 e3a = 0.4
p3b = 4 e3b = 0.4
0         1         2         3         4
[---------[---------[---------[---------[   (Gantt chart)
001111aaaa002222    001111bbbb002222

Minor Cycle Need not Divide Task Periods

p3 = 4/3, e3 = 0.3
minor cycle = 0.5, does not divide 4/3
major cycle = 4

0         1         2         3         4
[----[----[----[----[----[----[----[----[   (Gantt chart)
333            333            333
[            [             [            [
             approx.       approx.
             deadline      deadline
             of T3         of T3

In general, the minor cycle need not divide the task periods,
but the minor cycle and the periods must all divide the major cycle.

Constraints on Choice of Minor Cycle

  1. m ≥ei, for every task i
  2. m ≤ Di, where Di = relative deadline of task i
  3. m divides the major cycle,
    i.e., for at least one task i, ⌊pi/m⌋` = pi/m
  4. 2m - gcd(m,pi) ≤ Di, where pi = period of task i

where ei = compute time of task i
and m = minor cycle(a.k.a. frame size)

The above material is from Baker & Shaw, ``The Cyclic Executive Model and Ada'', The Journal of Real-Time Systems 1, 7-25 (1989).

Explanation of Last Condition

Between every release time and the corresponding deadline there must be a complete frame. The closest these two events can be without being coincident is when they are separated by gcd(m, pi).

Generalizations of Cyclic Scheduling Model

Time-Division Multiplexing

On at least one modern commercial jetliner the avionics computer uses a periodic scheduling approach to divide the use of the CPU between the software of various subsystems, which are produced independently by different manufacturers. The executive divides the processor time into slices, of different sizes. Each subsystem is viewed by the executive as a different "task", that executes periodically. Internally, the subsystems do their own finer-grained scheduling.

For example, if there are two subsystems, we might choose to divide up the time between them, 2/3 for subsystem Ai and 1/3 for subsystem


|----|----|----|----|----|----| ...

Implementation of Time Division

We could do this with a timer-driven cyclic executive. We would have to take care how we choose the minor and major periods, since it limits the response time of each subsystem. For example, the worst-case asynchronous event response time of a task in the example above is going to be three minor periods. On the other hand, we don't want to choose the minor period too short, or we will spend too much CPU time in interrupt-handling overhead.

For maximum flexibility, the executive should be preemptive, so that we can fit jobs/subsystems that have large execution into the schedule without delaying other jobs.

Summary: weaknesses of the cyclic executive

For moderate-sized systems, some of these problems can be handled by using tools, such as timing analyzers and schedule-builders, to automatically generate (and regenerate) the schedule.

Summary: strengths of the cyclic executive

Contrast point 3 to the situation in the real-time clock example, where a two-part clock may be updated by an interrupt handler while a background process is reading it.

Modular Time

Hardware timers, like wall clocks, keep track of modular time; that is, the clock periodically wraps around.

Let t stand for any point in (unbounded) real time, and C(t) stand for the value of clock C at time t. If C is a modular clock with modulus P, then for all real numbers t

0 ≤ C(t) < P - δ

where δ is the quantum (tick size) of the clock C.

Perfect Clock Model

For a ``perfect'' clock with tick size P and ideal discrete time,     C(t) = t - ⌊t/P⌋ ⋅P

The Is_After Relation

If we know that two real times t1 and t2 are not more than P/2 apart, we can infer the relative ordering of t2 in linear time by looking at the (modular) clock values C(t1) and C(t2). The relationship t1 < t2 holds iff one of the following two cases applies:

Pitfalls of Modular Time

When one is working with cyclic executives, one naturally tends to use modular arithmetic on integers. This is potentially erroneous, as we shall see.

When scheduling a periodic task with period D starting at time S, if we had a non-modular clock (that never overflowed) we would schedule the task to execute at times S+kD, for k = 0,1,2,3,... .

This does not necessarily work for a periodic clock unless P is an exact integer multiple of D. For example, it does not work is when S = 0, D = 3, and P = 4. That is shown in the second figure below.

Example Where Modulus Works

+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ clock
0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11
+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ clock mod 3
0    1    2    0    1    2    0    1    2    0    1    2
^              ^              ^              ^          

If the clock never wraps around, we can use mod directly to determine the deadlines and release times of a periodic task.

Example Where Modulus Does not Work

                                                         mod 4
+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ clock
0    1    2    3    0    1    2    3    0    1    2    3
+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ clock mod 3
0    1    2    0    0    1    2    0    0    1    2    0
^              ^              ^              ^          

If the clock is modular, beware of situations where the task period does not divide the clock modulus exactly. Here, the clock period is 4 and ^ marks the release times of a task with period 3.


We cannot safely use (clock mod 3) = 0 as our test for when to execute a task with period three in the example above, and in general we cannot safely use a similar expression for any other period that does not exactly divide the fundamental moduls of our real time clock.

This applies when we have a clock that counts mod 2**16, or 2**32, but we may not notice the problem in testing, sind the clock wrap-around occurs rather infrequently.

To avoid this, we must take care that the periods of tasks are all exact divisors of the clock period, or that the clock never wraps.

This is a timing anomaly similar to the ``year 2000'' problem; a programmer might not believe that the clock will ever wrap, but then if the system runs long enough, the clocks wraps.

File this one away with the floating-point time pitfall.

Some other Time Representation Pitfalls

Can you explain what is the problem in each case?

© 1998, 2003, 2006 T. P. Baker. ($Id: staticscheduling.html,v 1.2 2008/08/25 11:18:48 baker Exp baker $)