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Re-Quiz on Chapters 1-4

Using at most 30 minutes, answer the following questions on this paper.

  1. Define the following terms
    1. release time of a job

    2. completion time of a job

    3. response time of a job

    4. absolute deadline of a job

    5. relative deadline of a job

    6. lateness of a job

    7. tardiness of a job

  2. Explain what Jane Liu means by a scheduling algorithm being "predictable" in the context of section 4.8.2 of the text, and what this concept has to do with the rationale for using preemptive priority-based scheduling algorithms.

  3. Explain what is meant by an "on line" scheduling algorithm, versus an off line algorithm, and what is meant by "competitive factor", in the context of section 4.8.9 of the text. What is known about the competitive factor of on line scheduling algorithms?

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