Final Examination COP 4610 - Operating Systems

This is a closed-book examination. You are not allowed to use any notes or other references during the exam. You will have 2 hours to answer all the questions. Answer the true/false and short-answer questions on this paper. For other questions, write as much of your answer as will fit in the space provided below the question. If your answer does not fit in the space below the question, use the blank paper provided to you to complete your answer.

Each of the numbered questions is worth 10 points. It is possible to achieve a score of up to 170, but the exam will be graded on a scale of 150. (In other words, there are two bonus questions.)

You will probably find some questions are easier for you than others. Therefore, it is important to budget your time. Do not miss the chance to answer some easier questions by puzzling too long over a question that is giving you difficulty. Remember to write your name on every page, and turn in all pages of the exam.

  1. Answer each question by marking a "T" or "F" next to the statement, inside the parentheses on the left.
    1. (   ) External fragmentation cannot occur with a paged memory system.
    2. (   ) Internal fragmentation occurs when a larger block of storage is allocated than was requested.
    3. (   ) The Buddy System fights external fragmentation without memory compaction.
    4. (   ) Dynamic relocation is necessary in a system that uses memory compaction.
    5. (   ) Best-Fit generally causes less fragmentation than First-Fit.
    6. (   ) A function of a linker is to replace symbolic references between object modules by absolute references to locations in a single load image.
    7. (   ) Hashing is used by the Unix block buffering system to find the buffer associated with a given disk block.
    8. (   ) If the swapping device is busy more than 50% of the time, the system should consider reducing the resident set size of one or more processes.
    9. (   ) The TLB contains the page frame numbers of recently accessed virtual pages.
    10. (   ) If a reference is made to a page whose corresponding frame number is not found in the TLB, a page fault occurs.
  2. Answer each question by marking a "T" or "F" next to the statement, inside the parentheses on the left.
    1. (   ) Paging can be combined with a segmented memory system to eliminate external fragmentation.
    2. (   ) If a process performs a signal operation on a counting semaphore whose value is positive, it will wake up one or more of the processes that are waiting on the semaphore.
    3. (   ) If a thread has a signal blocked and the signal is generated for the thread the handler will execute at least once.
    4. (   ) Two Unix processes may simultaneously have open file descriptors that refer to the same open file description.
    5. (   ) In Unix a single file may be referred to by several different names.
    6. (   ) Threads that are implemented at the kernel level are likely to be more able to take advantage of an SMP system for parallel execution than threads that are implemented only at the library/user level.
    7. (   ) All the threads in a process share access to the same set of open files (i.e., the same mapping of open file descriptors to open file descriptions).
    8. (   ) All the threads in a process share access to the same virtual memory space.
    9. (   ) After return from a call to pthread_cond_wait (&C, &M) the calling thread can rely that the mutex M is locked.
    10. (   ) A procedure is reentrant if it is safe for interleaved execution with other calls to the same procedure from different threads.
  3. Answer each question by marking a "T" or "F" next to the statement, inside the parentheses on the left.
    1. (   ) The earliest-deadine-first scheduling policy minimizes average response time.
    2. (   ) The shortest-remaining-processing-time-first scheduling policy maximizes worst-case response time.
    3. (   ) With a round-robin preemptive time-sliced scheduler, decreasing the quantum size reduces context-switching overhead and thereby increases overall system throughput.
    4. (   ) With a round-robin preemptive time-sliced scheduler, decreasing the quantum size reduces the amount of time a short-execution-time job needs to wait for a long-execution-time job, and so decreases average response time.
    5. (   ) One of the largest components of disk access time is the transfer time.
    6. (   ) Seek time is the time it takes the disk to rotate around until the desired block is under the head.
    7. (   ) Blocks that are in the same cylinder can be accessed without any delay for seek time.
    8. (   ) RAID 1 consists of mirroring only.
    9. (   ) RAID 0 can tolerate failure of one disk.
    10. (   ) RAID 3 makes use of a parity disk and the XOR operation to allow reconstruction of data after failure of any one out of N disks.
  4. Answer each question by marking a "T" or "F" next to the statement, inside the parentheses on the left.
    1. (   ) Malicious code embedded in an otherwise legitimate program that is set to cause a catastrophic failure when certain conditions are met is called a Trojan Horse.
    2. (   ) The term "worm" is used for a malicious program that reproduces itself by modifying other programs so that they they will then reproduce the worm in turn.
    3. (   ) In Unix, the term "zombie" is used for a process that has terminated but whose process table entry cannot be deallocated yet because its parent has not yet collected the zombies termination status information.
    4. (   ) In computer security, the term "zombie" is used for a program that secretly takes over a computer that is attached to the Internet, and can later be remotedly activated to launch attacks that are hard to trace back to the zombie's creator.
    5. (   ) A Reference Monitor can defend against a Trojan Horse attack by detecting and blocking attempts to pass data from higher security level to a lower security level.
    6. (   ) The most commonly encountered file protection mechanism in modern operating systems is the access matrix.
    7. (   ) The term "stealth virus" is used for a type of virus that changes form as it reproduces, so as to make identification by virus-scanning softare more difficult.
    8. (   ) Public-key data encryption mechanisms can be used for authentication as well as for privacy.
    9. (   ) In a public-key cryptosystem the public key is divided into two parts: the private key and the secret key.
    10. (   ) In both interrupt-driven and DMA I/O completion of an I/O operation is signaled from the I/O controller to the operating system via a hardware interrupt.
  5. Explain and contrast short-term versus medium-term versus long-term scheduling. What is scheduled? What are the objectives? Which component (s) of the operating system are responsible?

  6. Consider the following program.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <sys/wait.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    int main () {
        int n, status;
        pid_t child;
        n = 0;
        if (! (child = fork () ) ) {
            n = 2;
            waitpid (child, &status, 0);
        } else {
            n = 4;
        fprintf (stderr, "n = %d\n", n);
        return 0;
  7. What is the output?

  8. Explain how a lockfile may be used to implement mutual exclusion between two processes. Your answer should include pseudo-code for the lock and unlock operations.

  9. Consider a system with one producer and several consumer threads, and a bounded pool of buffers. The code of each thread is outlined below. Assume the procedures produce_data and consume_data may take a long time to execute, so you don't want the producer or consumer to hold mutex M locked while these are executing. Also assume the variable free has been initialized to point to a list of empty buffers, and head and tailhave been initialized to NULL.

    pthread_t Producer, Consumer[N];
    pthread_mutex_t M;
    pthread_cond_t  P,C;
    typedef struct buffer {
       char *data;
       next *buffer;
    } buffer_t; 
    buffer_t *free; /* head of null-terminated list of empty buffers */
    buffer_t *head; /* head of list of full  buffers */
    buffer_t *tail; /* tail of list of full  buffers */
    void Producer () 
    { buffer_t *temp;
      pthread_mutex_lock (&M);
      while (TRUE) {
         while (free == NULL) {
         temp = free; free = free->next;
         produce_data (temp);
         if (head == NULL) head = temp;
         else tail->next = temp;
         tail = temp;
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&M);
    void Consumer () 
    { buffer_t *temp;
      pthread_mutex_lock (&M);
      while (TRUE) {
         while (head == NULL) {
         temp = head; head = head->next;
         use_data (temp);
         temp->next = free; free = temp; 
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&M);
  10. Fill in POSIX mutex and condition variable API calls in the blank lines above to provide the appropriate mutual exclusion.

  11. Explain why such a solution, using a POSIX mutex for mutual exclusion, would not be appropriate in the case where the producer is the handler-procedure for a hardware interrupt. Explain how mutual exclusion between the handler and the consumer could be implemented in the latter case.

  12. Consider the following example of a multi-unit resource allocation problem, for which the Banker's Algorithm was designed to avoid deadlock.

    Claim Matrix
    (Maximum Amount Each Process May Hold at One Time)
    Allocation Matrix
    (Resources Currently Held by Processes)
    Resource Vector
    (Total Resources Existing)
    Available Vector
    (Resources Currently Available)
    1. Give a feasible sequence of process completions, to demonstrate that the current state is safe, showing the updated Available Vector after each process completion.
    2. Give an example of a request that is consistent with the remaining unallocated claims and available resources but would, if granted, take the system into an unsafe state.
  13. Consider a paged virtual memory system. Suppose the page table for the process currently executing on the processor looks like the following. All numbers are decimal, everything is numbered starting from zero, and all addreses are memory byte addresses. The page size is 1024 bytes.

    Virtual page numberValid bitReference bitModify bitPage frame number
    What physical address, if any, would each of the following virtual addresses correspond to? If there would be a page fault, first indicate that one would take place and then compute the physical address after the page fault, assuming the Reference and Modify bits are used to approximate an LRU replacement policy.
    1. 1500

    2. 4000

  14. Explain what the working set of a process is, and how the concept is used in operating system design. How can the OS detect when the working set of a process changes? Supposing a local page replacement scheme is used, where each process is allocated a number of frames, that can be adjusted up or down as necessary. How can the OS detect when a process needs to be allocated more frames, to hold its (growing) working set? What should the OS do in this case, if it cannot give the process another frame without stealing a page from the working set of some other process?

  15. Explain the relationship of inodes, data blocks, and the three degrees of indirect blocks in the Unix filesystem. Then explain how this structure allows for there to be holes in a file.

  16. What is the difference between an access control list and a capability list. Explain how these concepts apply to the Unix operating system's file protection bits, and to the set of open file descriptors of a process.

  17. Explain the difference between a Trojan Horse, a Worm, and a Virus.

  18. Assume I/O requests come in to the disk driver subsystem as shown in the table below. Those with negative times are requests that arrived in the past. Assume a seek takes 1 ms (1/1000 second) for the start and stop time, plus 1 ms for every 10 cylinders traveled. Thus, for example, to move from cylinder 70 to cylinder 30 takes 1ms+4ms = 5ms. Assume the time is now zero (0), the disk head is at cylinder 40, the last direction it was moved is upwards, and the requests that arrived at times -5 and -2 still need to be served.
    time of request -5 -2 4 8 14 18
    cylinder 80 20 9 40 100 10

    Compute how much total seek time is needed to process six of these requests according to the each of the following algorithms. Show how you computed the answer in each case.

    1. FIFO

    2. SCAN

    3. CSCAN

  19. Explain the UNIX filesystem's block buffering scheme. How is it implemented? What is the benefit? How does it affect the ability of the system to recover from system crashes? To what type of I/O devices does it apply? Is this part of the device-dependent or device-independent part of the I/O subsystem?