Lecture 3

Learning objectives

After this class, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the divide-and-conquer algorithm for the maximum-subarray problem.
  2. Explain the steps of Strassen's matrix multiplication algorithm.
  3. Given a problem, develop a divide-and-conquer algorithms for it.
  4. Given a simple recurrence, solve it using methods studied in COP 4530 - Data Structures.

Reading assignment

  1. Lectures 3-5 slides.
  2. Read about the application of maximum subarray problem to biology in http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/19/10/1294.full.pdf+html.
  3. CLR: Chapter 4, up to (and including) section 4.2.

Exercises and review questions

Last modified: 1 Sep 2015