COP 3344-01 Introduction to Unix: Lecture 11

Learning objectives

After this class, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the purpose of the following environment variables: (i) DISPLAY, (ii) HOME, (iii) MANPATH, (iv) PATH, (v) SHELL, (vi) TERM, and (vii) USER.
  2. Explain the difference between a regular variable and an environment variable.
  3. Give the order in which startup files are executed when using tcsh.
  4. Use the the following commands in tcsh: (i) alias, (ii) limit, (iii) set, and (iv) setenv.
  5. Set the prompt to have a desired format in tcsh.
  6. Set the path to have a desired value in tcsh.

Reading assignment

  1. JEA: chapters 28, 30.
  2. Lecture slides: Lecture 11.

Exercises and review questions

Last modified: 3 Dec 2007